𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟒

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Michelle Banker was something different, all right. She was self-standing, independent, and a red head that put the regular model to shame. She had a smile that could have anyone working under her becon call and large green eyes that turned the tables in her favor. Some even say she's got a fragrance that makes you want to do anything for her. Everyone in the office bent to her every will, when she was happy the office was lively and bustling with people the other times, the entire office would be plunged into a deep silence that felt physically impossible to break. But that was okay.

Michelle was barely in the office most days. She could disappear for days at a time before anyone questioned her absences. In other words, she had a tight grip of my office by throat. When I walked onto my floor this morning, the tension in the air was so thick that you could almost see where it was coming from. I kept my head low and shuffled over to my desk quickly. Turning my computer on and pulling out my notepad, I opened my email and prepared to see the past 3 weeks of work that needed to be done. I visibly gasped at how many emails I had, 409 unread emails. I wanted to quit right there. How in the world did that much work stack up so quickly after 3 weeks? I jumped at the sound of my desk phone ringing.

I quickly picked up and put on my best professional voice I had this morning, "Corresponding department, (Name) speaking."

"(Name), it's good to hear your back. Did you see the email I sent you?" Michelle's velvet, smooth voice reached my ears with a firm, sleepy-like tone.

"I sorry, Ms. Banker, I must have missed it. Could you tell me what was in the email?"

She sighed before speaking, "Just come by my office, please," The line went dead, and I was left with that unwelcoming silence.

I stood from my desk and didn't waste time scrambling to the elevator. I pressed the call button and waited only a few moments before the door opened. Once I made it to the top floor of our office, I sped down the hallway to her office.

Michelle's office wasn't your bland boss's office. Her office was green. When you walk up to her door, you can see live and lush vines crawling up her door and spreading out almost into the hallway. I knocked on the window that was connected to her door. Her blinds were closed, but I could still see the morning sun peeking through. I let myself into the jungle Michelle made for herself. Vines and flowers covered every wall, while small pots with growing flowers and leaves littered around the floor. It was like her office chose how to place itself. Michelle sat at her desk, tired eyes typing away at her computer like she was actually doing something.

"Morning, Ms. Banker," I greeted and danced around her plants making sure I didn't step on one. Michelle gave me an empty smile and rose from her desk, "Oh look at you, I'm sorry about what happened dear," She came around her desk with her arms raised to take me into a hug.

I could smell her strong perfume cloud my senses and irritate my nose, "I'm feeling better now, so there isn't much to worry about."

Michelle pulled away and nodded like she understood me, "Well, maybe I should give you an easy assignment for your first day back."

Here we go...

"I have a meeting with a few people, not many, but I don't think I'll be able to make it," She pulled out an envelope from her desk and handed it to me with a sly smile, "I'll even let you clock out early today."

"I don't know if I should do this, I have a lot of work to catch up on and-" Michelle put the envelope into my hands and stared deeply into my eyes.

After a moment of silence, I gave in and took the envelope.

"Perfect, you have 30 minutes until you have to be a Wanye tower," She backed away and glided behind her desk.

"30 minutes?" I gasped, I was far from ready to be in a room full of people, "Ma'am, I don't think I could make that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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