Chapter 1

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No ones P.O.V

Y/n was currently sitting on top of a hill waiting for his next assignment.

Y/n: "Man I'm so bored what taking Alaya so long?" He questioned as he was getting irritated.

Y/n looked at one of the many swords that was in his reality marble.

Y/n: "How many lives have I took just to clean humanity's messes?"He questioned but looked down in sorrow.

He wanted to be a hero of justice but now he knows what that means. He hates this life he has now but at the same time he's happy. He did this to save his sister in the end as long as she is safe and happy that's all that matters.

Y/n got up but then he felt a presence of someone. He turned around and looked at the man. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg Y/n had a feeling he was here to do something that would irritate him.

Y/n: "Why are you here Zelretch?" He asked in a unpleasant tone

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Y/n: "Why are you here Zelretch?" He asked in a unpleasant tone. But Zelretch just smiled.

Zelretch: "What can't I visit my favorite counter guardian." He said in an amused tone. Y/n shook his head knowing Zelretch wanted something.

Y/n: "So what can I do for you?" He asked hoping it wasn't something like running a test.

Zelretch: "Ah straight to the point that's why you're my favorite!" The look he had made Y/n nervous.

Zelretch: "So what if I told you I could find a way to break the contract that you have with Alaya." He said that with a smile on his face. Y/n didn't believe him.

Y/n: "Yeah cut the crap!" Y/n was now annoyed. But when Y/n turned to Zelretch he was serious.

Y/n: "Your not lying? How?! She not going to like this!" Y/n couldn't believe it but then he heard another voice.

Alaya: "He's not lying Y/n." She said in a calm tone. Y/n looked at Alaya and glared at her as she took the form of his sister.

Y/n: "Oh and why would you agree to this?" He questioned her but she just smiled.

Alaya: "Because I think it's time for you to enjoy your life. Instead of this endless suffering." She said happily but Y/n knew there was a catch.

Y/n: "What's the catch?" He questioned knowing he had to do one more thing for them.

Zelretch: "That's easy we want you to save humanity as a whole in this world." He said with a smile on his face.

Y/n wasn't amused they want him to save all of humanity. He usually is the janitor of these messes. Not the person to save them.

Y/n: "You're asking me to save all of humanity for my freedom?" But Alaya and Zelretch nodded their heads. Y/n sighed but agreed.

Y/n: "Fine anyone I need to look out for?" He asked as he looked at the two.

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