Chapter 2

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1 year later

Y/n was sleeping but his dream was far from normal.

Y/N's dreamscape

Y/n was currently in a plane flying away from titans. He looked at the short person right next to him.

Y/n: "Captain Levi open the door I need to do this." Levi looked at him and didn't utter a single word Y/n was getting impatient.

But before Y/n could do anything someone grabbed his shoulder.

Armin: "You can't do this Y/n you have a child on the way! What would Historia think!?" Armin yelling at him trying to talk sense some sense into him.

Y/n smiled at Armin and took something off his ring finger and gave it to him. Armin was shocked as well as everyone else.

Y/n: "Hold on to this till I come back with Eren. I'll be back and that's a promise." Y/n said sincerely.

Armin let him go and Y/n looked at Levi again.

Y/n: "I promised Eren that I would save him and that's what I'm going to do!" He said as he declared to his friends and captain.

Y/N's room

Y/n was slowly waking up because the blinding light coming from the sun. Y/n rubbed his eyes and looked around his room. Y/n has been with the Jager family for about a year now. And was going join the cadet corps but the only problem was his adoptive mother.

???: "Your awake big brother." Y/n looked at where the voice originated from.

There stood Mikasa with the red scarf and sweater that she had gotten that day.

Mikasa: "Mrs. Jager told me to wake you up or you'll miss breakfast." She said with an emotionless tone.

Y/n smiled and got up and walked towards Mikasa and gave her a head pat. She hid her face in her scarf.

Y/n: "Thanks now go on ahead I need to change." She nodded and left Y/n jus smiled until she was out of sight. Then put a head on his head.

Y/n shut his door and had a bunch of thoughts.

Y/n's thoughts: "Was that clairvoyance? Why did I need to save Eren? Who is Historia and I have a kid with her? I'll figure this out later right now I need to get ready."

Y/n quickly put on clothes and headed straight to the kitchen. As he entered the kitchen he felt nervous because he didn't know how'd he break the news that he wants to join the cadet corps.

Carla looked at him and shook her head knowing well Y/n stayed up late again practicing his mage craft.

They found out one night when Mikasa walked into his room while he summoned his twin blades. Mikasa was surprised by this but Carla on the other hand fainted from it.

After that day everyone in the family decided to keep it a secret. Because if word got that Y/n could do what he do. He be taken from them and that's one thing they didn't want.

Carla: "Were you up all night again?" She asked disapproving of his choice.

Y/n: "Eheh yeah I was." He answered while rubbing his head.

Eren quickly asked a question.

Eren: "Did you make a new weapon!?" He asked letting the excitement take over.

Mikasa: "Yeah did you make a new weapon?" She asked as well wanting to know as well.

Both kids were surrounding him he smiled at them and shook his head.

Y/n: "No unfortunately." He stated but both kids didn't care they're older brother was cool either way.

Y/n looked away from the kids and looked at his parents.

Y/n: "Hey mom and dad. I got something to say to you both." He said nervously they both looked at him Carla being worried about what he was going say.

Carla: "Sure Y/n what do have to say?" She was getting more worried as Grisha was staring at him.

Both Eren and Mikasa were looking at him as well wondering what he had to say. It was quite for a bit then Y/n said it.

Y/n: "I'm going to join the cadet corps and then join the survey corps." He said confidently.

Eren looked like he had stars in his eyes. And Mikasa looked worried. Grisha nodded his head understanding his oldest. Carla was the only silent one.

Grisha got up and looked at Y/n and grabbed his shoulders.

Grisha: "Just give me a reason why you want to do it." He said in an understanding tone.

Y/n: "I'm doing it to protect you guys for the dangers outside of the walls. You all know I have the power to do so." He said proudly looking at his adoptive father.

Grisha hugged Y/n then let go of him pours of his oldest. Then Carla walked up to him hugged him. Not wanting to let him go.

Carla: "I know I can't change your mind. You always help people out at the risk of yourself. But promise me you won't do that there." She stared at Y/n knowing her son meant well. But she hated he disregarded his own life at times.

Y/n: "You know I can't promise that mom."
But before Y/n told say anymore Mikasa and Eren got his attention.

Mikasa/Eren: "Promise us you'll come back safely!" Y/n looked that the two shook his head.

Y/n: "Fine I promise not to do anything too reckless." He said but Carla had one last thing to say.

Carla: "And promise me not use your special abilities unless you have too. Do you understand." She said hugging him once again.

Y/n hugged her back and agreed.

Y/n: "I won't use it unless I have to. And I promise to come back to you all." He said as he let go of Carla. She wiped her tears and smiled.

Carla: "Alright then you can go my little hero." She said but Y/n looked at away with a blush on his face.

Y/n: "I told you stop calling me that." He said looking at the wall but he heard giggling coming from Carla and Mikasa. While Eren and Grisha were smiling.

This ticked off Y/n and he decided enough was enough.

Y/n: "Okay that's enough!" He said irritated but everyone started to laugh. He smiled even though he was irritated.

Y/N's thoughts): This is my family now.

That's the chapter have a good rest of your nite/day.

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