Chapter 3

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Y/n was currently on his way back home after going on a morning run before the others woke up. As he entered the house he quickly went to his room grabbed a few things and went to take a shower.

Timeskip ( brought to you by chibi Eren riding on top of Y/n shoulders)

Y/n was currently in the kitchen making some breakfast for the family before they woke up. Carla would tell Y/n he didn't have to do that but he liked cooking so it didn't brother him to much. Eren thought he made the best food but would never admit it to his mom.

Carla: "Your up early again sweetie." She said looking him smiling. She like the fact that Y/n would help out but she thought he did too much.

Y/n: "Yep just got back from my run and decided to make breakfast for everyone." He said with a smile on his face.

Carla: "You know you don't have to do that all the time. I can always make breakfast for us." She said but Y/n just waved it off.

Y/n: "It's fine mom I enjoy cooking for the family." As he said that they heard running and saw Eren.

Eren: "Y/n is cooking again yes!" Eren said happily but then noticed his mom there as well.

Carla: "It sounds like you enjoy his cooking more than mine Eren." She said with a smile on her face but that was not happy smile.

Eren: "Nooo that's not true." He said but his ear turned red and Y/n chuckled.

Carla: "That's it I'm cooking dinner tonight!" Y/n looked like he stabbed in the heart from that statement alone.


Everyone was up now eating breakfast as Y/n was clean the dishes looking outside. He had a bad feeling about today. He wasn't paying attention and dropped a dish. Everyone looked at him looking worried. Y/n hadn't moved from the spot as he was staring out the window.

Mikasa grabbed Y/n's hand he snapped out of it.

Mikasa: "Are you okay big brother?" She asked worried because of how he's asking.

Y/n looked at her and but a fake smile on.

Y/n: "Yeah I'm fine no need to worry. Just a little accident." He said as bent down to pick up the pieces of the broken plate.

Carla made Y/n stand back up looked at her oldest son with concern.

Carla: "Let me handle this you go get some rest. Mikasa and Eren can you go get some wood for the fire tonight." As she asked the two nodded their heads and grabbed their wood holders.

Y/n was about to go as well but Grisha had a hand on his shoulder.

Grisha: "You should get some rest Y/n you look tired." He said Y/n looked at him for a bit and agreed.

Y/n walked to his room and closed the door. He went to his bed and decided it probably was for the best to get some rest.

Y/n got comfortable and then closed his eyes.

Y/N's dreamscape

Y/n was back in his reality marble again but at the top he saw someone he didn't want to see again.

Archer: "Given a second chance at life and still the same old dream." He said looking at Y/n with indifference.

Y/n: "What's it matter to you!" He glared at Archer.

Archer chuckled then had a serious look on his face.

Archer: "Well it doesn't matter because now your life will be hell." He said looking at Y/n but before Y/n could do anything a blinding light flash and Y/n covered his eyes.

Y/N's room

Y/n shot up and was breathing heavily.

Y/n: "Damnit why now of all times." He said then he heard auguring.

Y/n got up and walked out of his room and saw Eren and Carla auguring. But before Y/n told say anything Eren ran out of the house.

Carla: "Mikasa can you make sure he doesn't get into trouble." She said worried Mikasa nodded and left.

Carla turned around and saw Y/n standing there.

Carla: "Oh Y/n your up I'm sorry for waking you up." She said y/n shook his head.

Y/n: "It's fine. What happened why did you and Eren have an argument?" He asked concered.

Carla looked at him and then sighed.

Carla: "Mikasa told me Eren wanted to join the scouts. And I don't want him to join it. I'm still unsure about you joining them." She said worried but she was pulled into a hug.

Y/n: "Don't worry Eren is strong and I know he'll make through it. Also he'll have me around so you don't have to worry mom." He said still hugging her.

Carla: "Alright fine but promise you'll keep him safe...."

But before she could say anything they heard a loud crash coming from outside. They were staring at the direction that it came from.

Y/n felt something coming towards them and he threw Carla out of the house. Everything happened so fast Carla couldn't process what happened.

One second she was in her home now she was outside. She looked at the house there was a huge boulder there. Then she realized Y/n had thrown her out.

Eren/Mikasa: "Mom/Mrs. Jager!" They both yelled out with concern.

Eren: "Mom where's big bro?" He was looking all around hoping he there. But he heard nothing coming from besides sobs.

He then looked at his home and realized. Y/n saved their mother. He felt tears going down his face.

Eren: "Y/n."

That's the chapter for to nite/day I'll have longer one out soon. Currently not feeling the best but I wanted to get this out.

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