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"Nanny Plum!" Holly exclaimed as she ran up to her cool and hip auntie. Everyone loves Nanny Plum, except for men of course. King Thistle is convinced she's a lesbian but she hasn't dyed her hair blue yet, so he isn't entirely sure. Not that it'd be a bad thing for her to be a lesbian. King Thistle hates gay people.

"Are you sure you haven't found a man yet?" King Thistle asked.

"Why do you want to be mine?" Nanny Plum replied, winked and walked the other way.

"WE'RE RELATED!" King Thistle shouted at her but she kept walking away.

"Why are you ignoring my daddy?" Holly asked.

"Because he's cheating on your mother," Nanny Plum said.

"What does that mean? Does he cheat in monopoly?" Ben asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"No, it means that your King Thistle has been wanking off looking at a picture of King Marigold," Nanny Plum began, "and get this, they met up and tried to do you know, right infront of me! Daft boys they are. Your mummy's already getting a divorce, so Holly, expect to be living with all the common folk soon!"

"Oh, does that mean I can see Violet all of the time?" Holly replied.

"Yes! All because your father can't hold his stupid relationship!" Nanny Plum said.

"So what will happen to you?" Ben asked Nanny Plum.

"The bitch has sacked me, but I'm still Holly's auntie so I'll still see the both of you!" Nanny Plum exclaimed.

Holly walked off, holding back tears while Ben was talking about how lucky she was to be able to live in a house, without no bother, but still be near her friends. "SHUT UP!" Holly screamed.

"Oh, looks like someone's on their period then," Ben replied.


"Hey, hey, what's going on here?" The Wise Old Elf asked.


"Taught him well, it seems!" Replied The Wise Old Elf.

"You don't understand, neither of you. None of the elf population does. You don't understand why we use magic, do you? You're the rudest, most ignorant, vile, irrelevant being throughout the whole of history," Nanny Plum said, remembering everything that The Wise Old Elf had said.

"Is it because I'm a furry?" The Wise Old Elf asked.

"Yes, it is. You tried to put a fursuit made from plastic bags on my seven year old niece," Nanny Plum replied. The Wise Old Elf ran away, probably back to his tree. She doesn't understand why they choose to live in a tree, it seems pointless. There's a load of them there aswell, so how do they all fit?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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