Family dinner

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This ones a long one so get ready!

"Cam I'm really not sure about this" JJ says turning to me with a worried look on his face "Jay there gonna love you" I reassure him as I quickly take my eyes off the road and look over to see him biting his lips which is something he did when he was nervous.

"I promise," I say as I use one hand to hold his. "I don't know," he says nervously "If u need to leave we can but we have to go in at least okay?" I say with a reassuring smile "Mhm" he mumbles in response.

My parents were having a family dinner, so they invited JJ as they wanted to meet him, and he was nervous. really nervous. 

We pull up at my house in the Twinkie that John B had lent us for the night. "home sweet home" I say as we both JJ jump out of the van and walk up to the front porch "JJ relax its gonna be fine I promise baby" I say softly as I give him a soft kiss. he nods as I open the front door 

"Mom I'm here!" I shout as my little sister comes running up to me "Lia!" I shout as I pick her up and hug her tightly "Hi Cam!" she says wrapping her arms around my shoulders and burying her face in my neck 

"Lia I want u to meet JJ" I say with a smile as she lifts her face up and looks at the boy next to me "Oooo" she says and starts making kissy noises. Me and JJ both let out a laugh as I put her down and she goes running off.

"Dad!" I shout as we go and sit down on my couch. I slowly grab JJ's hand as my dad walks into the living room. I feel him tense up "You must be JJ!" my dad says with a smile as JJ stands up and shakes my dad's hand "You hungry?" my dad asks as he sits on the couch opposite us "Yeah starving" jj says with an awkward laugh as he sits back down next to me.

 "Well good to meet u JJ I'm gonna go help in the kitchen," he says with a smile as he goes back into the kitchen "See it's fine," I say reassuringly as I rub circles on jj back "Yeah your dad seems nice" JJ replies with a smile. Before I can reply Lia comes running in with her crayons and paper "What you drawing Lee?" I ask  

"Me and JJ," She says bluntly "Oh you are now are you?" I say as I look at JJ with a smile and then back at her 

"Yep," she says as she starts scribbling on the paper with different colours. "I think she might like you," I say to JJ with a laugh "Just a bit," he says returning a toothy smile  " I really appreciate you coming," I say softly "Of course," he says in the same soft tone as I give him a small kiss on the lips

 "Ew!" my sister shouts as she stands up with the paper in her hand and hands it to JJ "Why thank you," he says as he looks on the paper to see a scribble of her and JJ with hearts around the page. 

Lia lets out a giggle and runs into the other room "Wow cam I think you have some competition" JJ jokes "Yeah yeah" I laugh 

My mom walks into the living room "Sorry about not coming in sooner.!Hi Im Cam's mom Melanie" she says as JJ stands up to greet her but my mom just pulls him into a hug.

 After a few seconds, they both pull away with a smile "Thank you for the invite by the way it means the world"JJ says as my mom sits down in the same spot my dad sat previously and jj sat back down next to me. 

"It's my pleasure I've never seen Cam so happy," she says with a serious look "Mom stop ur embarrassing me" I reply as my face goes red 

"Well I think Lia likes me even more than Cam does," jj says to my mom with a laugh as he passes her the drawing. My mom looks down at It and laughs "God she isn't half a hand full" my mom says shaking her head.

"Dinners almost ready if u guys don't mind would u guys set the table?" my mom asks her eyes flickering between me and JJ 

"Yeah of course" he replies. I let out a groan as he pulls me off the couch and into the kitchen. We both start making the table as my sister sprints into the kitchen "JJ JJ!" she shouts whilst pulling on JJ's arm "What's up Lee?" he asks softly as he neals down to talk to her. 

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