Chapter 4

46 13 5

☆ Alexis' POV

“Cancel it then”.

I frown at her through the phone.

“No, Mia. I can't do that”.

“Why the hell not?”.

“Because I've already put my name and signature on every piece of document connected to the project”.

“And you can't say you changed your mind, why?” she asks me as she props her phone against her vanity mirror and begins to comb her hair.

“Because...” I sigh. “I'll be ruined”.

“Okay, let's not be dramatic, baby” she chuckles.

“No Mia, I'm serious” I sigh. “If I tell them I've changed my mind, I'll be blacklisted from working at any architecture company”.

“So we'll start a new one for you”.

I groan.

“Mia, you're not listening”.

“I am. The kids are at mom's so I can hear you well”.

“Mia, my working license will be taken away from me. Lemaster will lose his company for my act and he has so much trust in me. Not even mom and dad's influence will undo the harm that'll come if I back out of this”.

“At the cost of seeing that jerk of a prince again?”.

I sigh.

“I'm not afraid to see him, Mia”.

She stops combing her hair and eyes me.


“No, I'm serious” I say, taking a seat on the bench as I watch Milton play on the monkey bars. “I thought I wouldn't have to see him for another fifteen years”.

Mia braids her hair and gives me her judgy look.


She shrugs.

“Nothing” she replies. “Just let me know if those people try anything funny, okay? I have a bone to pick with them anyways”.

I smile.

“Of course I will. Just don't tell mom. I don't want her to worry”.

Mia nods and smiles brightly at me.

“Of course, baby”.

I thought we were over 'baby'.

I smile back.

“Give Maddie and the twins a kiss for me okay?” I tell her.

“And give Mill a big hug for me” she tells me.

I smile.

“Bye, Mia. Love you”.

“Love you more, baby”.

We end the video chat just as Milton jumps down from the monkey bars and comes running up to me.

“Can I have some water, please mom?” he pants.

I wipe the sweat away from his face with my hands and nod.

“I'll just get it from the car” I tell him. “Wait with Yara, okay?”.

He nods and takes a seat as Yara approaches him. I head to the car that's parked under the shade of a tree and Malia's asleep.

“What are you doing?” I chuckle.

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