Bonus Chapter

108 20 2

Dedicated to yo_fave_slimmy


Cassandra's POV

"What the bloody hell do you mean by Alexis is going to be human the second she wakes up?!" I ask, storming after her as we go back into the cave.

"Zelda always left me to do the dirty work... even after all this time" Nizora sighs.

"Are you going to tell me what this is about?" I ask.

She sighs and props her staff against the wall. She sat fiddling with her earrings.

"When Zelda appeared to you after the birth of the twins, she said something about a daughter destined to be the next moon goddess... hence couldn't stay forever".

"That was the same crappy pickup line she used on me twenty-four years ago".

"It's not crappy Cassandra. It was a message...".

"... that made absolutely no sense!".

Nizora bobbed her head.

"Well yeah... but that's because she didn't finish it".

"So I'm really hoping you finish it for her before I finally lose it!".

Nizora stands up, her hands together as if in prayer and moves towards me.

"You were meant to have only twins that night Cassandra. Una... or Madison as you called her, was or is Zelda's daughter... and the chosen one".

I hold my breath.

"She was the chosen one promised to come and live among us mortals. And when her mission was complete, she'd return back to her mother".

"What?" I let out.

"Madison was the chosen one... and you gave birth to her".

I shake my head vigorously.

"No, no! That's not possible!" I cry.

"It is Cassandra" Nizora says taking my hands in hers. "And before you say anything else lemme finish".

I sob.

"After your son was born, Zelda wanted Una to be perfect... without flaws. And so she em...".

Nizora clears her throat and wipes a tear away.

"What did she do?" I whisper.

"She erased all forms of werewolf gene in your body... making you human while she planted Una in your womb. She didn't want her daughter becoming a wolf. She didn't want her having any ties to you".

"She what?".

"I'm so sorry Cassandra... I just...".

"Madison was never mine?".

Nizora shakes her head.

"She's Zelda and Lycidas' daughter" she says in almost a whisper, her eyes never leaving mine.


She nods.

"My Lycidas. Yes. They had a child. Zelda put her on hold... kept her a secret... and passed her off as your child. And I know she didn't think this one through... trust me".

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