Chapter 25

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Dedicated to yo_fave_slimmy

Thank you 😊♥️


Cassandra's POV

Old time music fills my ears. Laughter from children and cries from babies. The chirping of birds and the smell of smoke. I open my eyes and I'm standing in some sort of village.

“Where the heck are we?” I ask.

There's no response.

“Nizora?” I call looking around. “Nizora!” I shout. “Excuse me sir, you haven't happened to see any crazy looking witch lady...”.

“Hey there neighbor!” the man calls out to someone in the distance.

I turn and he's waving another man.

“Hello? I'm speaking to you...”.

I trail off as the man passes right through me as I turn. I breathe hard.

“What the...?”.

“They can't see us you know?” Nizora says. “They're dead and rotten”.

I make a face.

“C'mon. This way” Nizora gestures.

I follow her up a hill.

“You know, you could have given me a heads up that we were going to walk on rocky roads. I could have at least changed into something a little more wilderness appropriate” I say, staring at my pumps.

Nizora stops in her track and eyes me.

“I see where Mia gets it from” she says and keeps moving forward.

“Hey! Wait up! Where are we anyway?”.

“Seriously? What they don't teach you geography now? And I thought by now the world would be a better place” she scoffs.

“Well I'm sorry I don't know where we are” I say. “Wait for me!” I call.

She stops and reaches for my hand. I take it.

“Well?” I ask.

“On a hill smarty pants!” she retorts.

I give her a look. She sighs.


“Switzer... seriously? We couldn't  go to Paris or something?”.

“If you think we're here on vacation, then I'm sorry to disappoint you”.

I look at her.

“We're here because this is where werewolves like yourselves originated from”.

Yeah... I remember now!

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