Go Away

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When she awoke she realized that it was night and the full moon shone down into her den. Her stomach was tight and her throat felt like sand. When she stood up she almost fainted from dehydration. She took slow steps out of her den and looked around sniffing the air. Purple trunks around her glowed brightly with algae. She tensed and stood still as a statue when she saw a rabbit sniffing the air about six wolf-lengths away. Slowly, and cautiously she crept toward the rabbit, keeping low to the ground. Unfortunately she had forgotten about watching where she put her paws in her excitement about the prospect of eating, and she stepped on a twig that snapped beneath her right forepaw. To any wolf the sound was horrible, for it meant you could go hungry that day. The rabbit's head shot up and it ran away, it's little legs a blur of motion. Excitedly, she hurled herself into the chase, quickly catching up to the rabbit. She tensed her hind legs, stopping for a moment then leaped. It was like someone had slowed time, all she could see was the rabbit as she stretched out her neck; her jaws a hairbreadth away from it when a blur of black seemed to swoop out of nowhere. It grabbed the rabbit as she realized it was a raven. Forgetting her exhaustion, hunger, and thirst, she launched herself into the sky and grabbed both the rabbit and raven. She half fell, half flew, to the ground. She killed the rabbit in one bite and ate in fast ravenous gulps. Licking some blood, she didn't feel quite as thirsty or hungry anymore. It was still not enough to fill her up though.

Then she realized that she had forgotten about the raven. It was perched on a branch in one of the trees to her right. It was very hard to see among the thick red leaves. "So you are the prophesied one, yes?" it croaked in its raspy voice. She decided to ignore it and set off at a trot with Iosar Mountain behind her. It swooped down from its branch and right into her path. "You do not look like a boy," it croaked again. With an annoyed growl she leaped over the raven.

"My name is Go Away," the raven spoke yet again. Curiosity winning over her pride, she asked sarcastically, "How did you get that fun name?" She all of a sudden was plunged into the bird's memories, seeing that he had no friends and that other birds found him annoying. They would all say, " Go Away!!" when he came to talk, so that became his name. A sharp peck in her side brought her back to reality. "So you do have magic." Go Away said. He was perched on her back. Before she could find anything to say, he croaked, "Don't think I didn't feel you poking around in my head there." This is an awkward situation, she thought. Wishing again that she was a normal wolf. "I know you think your parents are dead, and no, I don't have any powers so I couldn't see if you really thought that, but they live on Iosar Mountain with a pack trying to help you. They recruited me to find you, and help you." 

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