❛ :: 𝗓𝗈𝗆𝖻𝗂𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗒

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4:57 AM

WORDS SHADED IN WHITE blind him. Shaken out of his peaceful sleep, drowsiness hits him like a train causing his head to blur with the worst headache. Stinging eyes blink multiple times before they finally adjust, finding a concerned Jisung towering over him.

"Hi." The rapper flashed a gleaming smile in an attempt to forge innocence, paying no mind to the fact that he had just forced his poor elder member out of a deep sleep at almost five in the morning. "Sleep well?"

Charlie peered around his darkened bedroom, trying to decipher his surroundings before he leaned his head forward slightly. And then, he whispered, "did someone die?"

"No but your morning breath is about to knock me out." Jisung pinched his nose with two fingers whilst using his other hand to waft the air to add effect. Charlie slumped back down into his warm duvet, his dark eyes fluttering shut with a hand pressed against his forehead. He could've fallen back asleep.

And he would've too-if not for Han Jisung.

A harsh shove brought Charlie back from the walk between awake and asleep, causing him to jolt upright.

"If you don't get the hell out of my room by the time i've counted to two, someone will die and spoiler alert, it will be you. One-"

"No, no! Don't count, it's scary when you do that."

"I'm getting to two, Jisung."

"Fine! Calm down. I went downstairs for a glass of water because I was parched- yes, that is a new word you just heard, i learned it from a dictionary! Are you prou-"


"I saw Chan hunched over the counter top and I don't know if he was breathing or not but it creeped me out!" Jisung rambled out in one breath, so quick that in his sleepy state, Charlie almost didn't understand.

With a slight huff, Charlie sat up properly and rubbed his hands over his face. "So, your first instinct when you assumed Chan could be potentially making beats in Heaven was to come in my room and insult my breath?"

"Yes." Jisung nodded proudly. "Though, your tone is making me think I probably should have mentioned the possibly dead leader before that."

Charlie decided it would be easier for him if he didn't reply. Begrudgingly, he threw the covers off of his body and trudged out of the room with a nervous Jisung hot on his heels. This happened often, so Charlie wasn't all that concerned. After a late night at the studio, Chan would return home and try to eat something but ultimately lose the battle to sleepiness and end up passing out in a spot that wasn't his bed - Charlie found him curled in a ball on the stairs once.

The dorm was shrouded in darkness, a stripe of moonlight managing to creep in through the crack in the curtains conveniently highlighting Chan's sleeping frame, hunched over the counter with his fingertips grazing a glass of water.

"What are you doing?" Jisung quizzed, trying to keep his voice down.

Charlie opened the cupboards and pulled out a bag of nuts, the crinkling of the packaging causing Jisung to flinch. Charlie dipped his hand in and pulled out a pile of nuts in the palm of his hand. He plucked one up between two fingers and with a grin, he tossed it at Chan.

No reaction.

He repeated the action three more times with the same outcome, so he decided to scoop up a handful and launched them all at Chan. The sound of a grunt mixed with the clang of nuts hitting the floor in a pack filled the kitchen.

"He's alive," Charlie informed the young rapper, gesturing to their leader who was now sat upright rubbing his tired eyes. Pushing the youngest of the three towards the door. "Go sleep."

Without much of an argument ❪ shockingly ❫ Jisung went up to bed, leaving Charlie alone with a groggy Bang Chan.

"What time is it?" The workaholic asked with a yawn, leaning back against the chair to stretch his body out as if he'd slept for hours.

Charlie eyed him for a moment, a glass slid between his fingers pressing it against the water dispenser. Now filled to the top but not enough to spill over, Charlie placed the water down and gestured to it, a silent demand for Chan to drink it. He then began to prepare a sandwich.

"Something past 5 in the morning. Han was convinced you were a corpse."

"And you decided to check by throwing nuts at me?" The nuts that had landed in his hair clattered against the countertop with every stroke of Chan's hand which ran through his dark locks.

Charlie nodded. "I didn't want to strain my vocals." Sliding the plate with the neatly made sandwich on it across the counter top. Chan licked his lips, suddenly unable to recall the last time he ate - probably breakfast, it had been a busy day.

"You know, you should really start taking care of yourself. Looking after you like this is now becoming a regular occurrence for me and it's eating into my beauty sleep." Despite the meaning of his words, Charlie would never sleep again if it meant his members would be taken care of.

Not that he would admit that out loud.

Chan watched as the eldest began to sweep up the nuts which were scattered across the floor, before he scooped the ones up off of the tables and disposed of them.

"I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep."

Charlie gave him a side glance as he dusted off his hands. "You didn't. Jisung did."

"Because of me. I should be more mindful-"

"You work longer hours than I have ever seen and are somehow still alive. I can sacrifice an hour or two extra of sleep to make sure that you're not like dead or anything. It's fine, don't be all weird and sappy about it. Ew."

Chan couldn't hide his smile at the ever so Charlie like awkwardness.

"Now you're smiling? Gross, I'm not doing this with you, it's so odd! Stop being so sappy with me, next time I'll leave you with a bad back and let Jisung attempt to dispose of your body."

Charlie exited the kitchen, mumbling about the weird atmosphere leaving Chan to finish his sandwich in peace, with a warm feeling in his chest.

.. .. .. ..

oh how i have missed my dear charlie.

i have a love hate relationship with starting new fics because the first chapters are always slow whilst i try to adjust and figure out the vibe i want to go for.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 🖤

- much love, blue x

❛ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞. 𝗌𝗄𝗓 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now