The Barber - Doctor

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"Urghhh..." The pain in puss' head slowly went away, His sister soon awoke too.

"Where are we..?" Dam groaned, clunching her head.

"Not to worry, You are in good hands!" A friendly voice said.


"My hands!" a friendly looking man said, grabbing puss by the wrists, "I am also the village barber-" He cut some of puss' hair, Dam chuckled. "The village Vetrainaren-" He stuck something in puss' ear, Dam laughed harder, He moved over to dam, "The denitist-" He looked at her teeth, She tried to bite him, Puss laughed. "And the witch finder!" The doctor finished, shaking something funny looking in Dam's face, she sneezed and rubbed her nose.

"And in my professional  opinion, You need a wash a blow out and a little treat ment round the hine quaters.." He told puss, Dam laughed so hard, Puss hissed at her. 

"Er.." Puss said, obviously feeling uncomfortable.

"That's my professional barber opinion, but, Putting on my doctor's hat.." He said, turning around and putting on a ridiculous looking hat. "I think we need to run a few.. Tests." 

"Ey?" Both of the cats said, looking at each other.

"Alright, Refexes!" He said, Putting a hammer to puss' knee, he slightly tapped it, His leg went up and He was slapped it the face multiple times..

"Cat like." He said, Moving to Dam's side of the room.

"Okay and you.." He tapped Dam's Leg with a hammer.

Two seconds later the doctor had Four cat scratches on his face.

"I am.. So sorry!" Dam apologized, covering her mouth in shock of what she had done.

"It's fine dam, You're excused." The doctor laughed.

"Okay puss, Let's check your temperature!" He said pulling out a long clear thing, Dam was confused.
"Just keep your tail up and relax.."

Dam grabbed the clear thing out of his hand.

"Nope! Nuh uh. He's fine." Dam excused her brother.

"And y-" the doctor began.

"Don't even think about it." She said, handing the clear thing back to the doctor and gesturing to put it away.

"Ah.. Okay!" He said, Clasping his hands together and bending down to get a jar.

"How about some leeches? To draw out the evil inside!"

Dam and Puss hissed.

"More for me!" The doctor said, opening the hole in his shirt and dropping one inside.

"Uh.." Dam said, Confused where it went.

"Thanks doctor, For everything, But we are both feeling great!" Puss said, High fiving his sister, then putting on his belt.

"We are strong-" Dam said,
"Like a bull!" Puss continued.

"I am feeling hungry- We should get some gazpacho!" Dam said, Looking to her brother then the doctor.

"Where is the nearest place to get gazpacho?" Puss asked.

"Puss.. Dam.. Please this is serious." The doctor said, Dropping his friendly tone and actually sounding sad.

"What?" Puss asked

"What is it?" Dam asked

"How do I say this.." He took a candle from his head gear.
"You died." He blew out the candle. "Both of you."

"Oh no.." Dam put her hands to her chest, Looking sad and scared.

"Doctor.. Please.." Puss said, Before his sister burst out laughing. "Relax!"

"We are puss and dam in boots, We laugh at death! Hahaha! You see?" Dam said, Smiling even after the surprising news she had just received.

"We are cats!! We have nine lives!" They said together, Puss was putting on his boots.

"How many times have you died already?"

"Uh.." The two said, Trying to think.

"I dunno."

"We never really counted."

"I am not a Math guy Yknow." Puss said.

"Neither." Dam said, pulling on her boots.

"Gatos." The doctor said in a scolding voice.

"Take it easy, Doc!" Dam said, patting him on the shoulder.

"Fine fine.. Okay.. Uh let's see.. There was the bull ring.." Puss counted.

"Oh and that time we played cards with those dogs!" Dam added.

"Si, si.. And.." Puss began.

"When we got really drunk and we fell off a tower.. Well I tried to catch you.. I wasn't really thinking straight.." Dam said, scratching her head.

"That time I was lifting weighs and they fell on me.." Puss said.

"Oh? For me I think I died sumo wrestling." Dam said.

"Oh yeah cause you said you were too good for weights!" Puss teased.

"Gato!" The doctor said.

"Okay- okay! Calm down! Eh- that time we were shot out of a canon.."

"Oh, And that one time we died from eating shellfish!" Dam said, putting on her hat.

"Oh and that time we got burnt making cookies, Master at baking my paw!" Dam laughed.

"And.. Then the giant today!" Puss counted.

"So.. What's that? Like, four?" Puss said, dam was counting on her fingers.

"That makes eight puss." The doctor said, Puss looked at his sister. "You're down to your last life.. My prescription - no more adventures for you."

"What?" Dam said, gasping and shaking her head.

"You two need to retire."

"Us? Retire? Haha! Are you the village comedian as well?"

"Listen. Is there any safe place you can go?"

"Nope, Not after Santa Coloma!" Dam said, looking at her brother.

"Really? Santa coloma?"

"Si! Santa Coloma!" Dam hissed.

"Okay.. So.. Here's the address to Mama Lunas.. You can stay there.. She's always on the look out for a new lap cat."

"Lap cat?! We are dam and puss in boots! We are no lap cats!"

"Not anymore, Barber - doctors orders."

"This is ridiculous, Let's go!" Dam said, walking outside the door.

"Remember, Death comes for us all." The doctor warned. "Treat?"

"Ya really gotta work on your best side manner.." Puss said, Dam grabbed the treat bowl.

"Ridiculous.. We are puss and dam in boots!"

"We laugh in the face of death.."

Dam in Boots.. Sister of Puss in boots.Where stories live. Discover now