The Passing

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Previously: Shinano and Warspite fought with malice and forward. Their histories between the war was colliding in the mists of the waters. Warspite's distrust of the faction made her become more aggressive as she wanted to destroy the Yamato- aircraft carrier immediately, not wanting to leave a piece of scrap on the waters. Unfortunately, Amagi stops the battle and they were visited by Allgemein Albrecht. Meanwhile two kansens were seen to be watching them.



In the headquarters..

August Von Parseval: Allgemein, there is a news being beared.

Albrecht narrowed his eyes as August entered the room with a letter being held on her left hand.
He takes the letter as he red the signed letter from her.

To Allgemein Albrecht, The Leader Of Ironblood..

We apologize to disturb your peace on your nation. The bad news being held on the Motherland. The leader of the Northern Parliament, "Sovetskaya Gruziya" was brutally executed at the waters of Yekaterinburg, with the revolutionaries being held back by the other parliament cruisers.

Lastly, We request a backup afterwards the funeral being held for her honour.

for reading this letter,

Regards, Lady Kirov.

Albrecht can't help but looked at the letter with an emotionless expression as August looked at him with a defeated sigh.

AVP: I am sorry mein Allgemein, but the leader of the parliament was executed and the suspect's identity and name was still unknown. However, the murderers are identified as high-class ships.

Albrecht: what?

AVP: That were the humors being spread out throughout the nation of the "Motherland."

Albrecht: Do not inform anything about this to the other ships besides the leaders of every nation and their representatives. I do not want all people to be placed in danger and be killed like what happened to my old friend.

AVP: Ja, As you wish, mein Allgemein..

Albrecht: You are dismissed.

As AVP left the room, Albrecht can't help but think of Shinano earlier. There was a slight feeling he had in his heart.

He can't picture his mind with the Gruziya being executed infront of him. To the hands of an unknown enemy along with the revolutionaries joining for their cause.

Albrecht: (thought) Why do I feel the slight of my heart being blossomed? Does it have to do with Lady Shinano of the Sakura Empire..?

He looked at the portraits on his office. He would soon pass his leadership to his fellow siblings once they were constructed soon (at least according the chancellor and the higher authorities.)

On the Quarters,

Warspite's POV:

I don't know how to act on this situation I am in. I was ordered by Albrecht's helpers to get my clothes changed due to my identical appearance. I hate to admit my words, but I have no choice as I am staying in the teritorry of my own enemy. My clothes are completely discarded and I was left to wear the outfit.

It was similar to Admiral Hipper's however my hairstyle wasn't changed nor "refixed."

The two girls from the empire saw me. We have to go through the eye contacts, with Shinano looking quite sleepy at the process. Does she even sleep at all times? I can't get out the thought of seeing Hood in my head through Amagi's expression.

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