Reign Of Pride And Glory

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Previously: The passing of Sovetskaya Gruziya affected the entire fleet factions as they lost a valueable and a great leader on the stead, especially Sovetsky Soyuz herself the most affected.
Ubeknowst, Albrecht and U-56 were on ahead of hurry.


In Sakura Empire..

When Shinano, and Amagi made back to their homeland, they found themselves staring at the higher ups who were arguing after the death of the greatest leader of Northern Parliament.

Nagato: Please hear us out Hakuryuu, this isn't the time-

Hakuryuu: You and your damn antics Nagato, Do you think I am lying? Look of what happened to the Parliament's leader!!

Yamato: Hakuryuu, calm down-

Hakuryuu: Shut up Yamato!

Yamato: Why are you being aggressive lately Hakuryuu?! (grits her teeth in anger).

Hakuryuu: I don't care what you say! The enemies are coming! And you mongrels don't believe me about the arrival of the doom?!

Shinano: (thought) She knew of the siren's arrival? The only time I remembered that she left the Sakura Empire because she was taken away by the higher ups eversince her development..

Yamato: Stop this instantly, Hakuryuu.. You're attracting atten-

Hakuryuu: (points the blade onto Yamato's neck) Speak again or die. The reign of your pride and glory won't last any longer!

Nagato: Do not hurt Yamato or any one of us here!

Hakuryuu: Are you telling me that you should trust the authorities?! They did nothing to stop the enemy from killing her!!

Yamato: We know that you are affected of Gruziya's death, but please.. don't tend to destroy everything!!

Hakuryuu: Gruziya is a great ally of mine, and you think funeral can solve the problem?!

Amagi: Hakuryuu-san really admires Soviet Gruziya because of her strength. As she, along with August Von Parseval were only the ones who defeated her in a duel.

Shinano nodded as she looked worriedly at the group.

Hakuryuu: Fine then!! I will leave this place!!

Nagato And Yamato: What?!

Suruga and Mikasa: You're wrong!

Hakuryuu: You're all imbeciles, you don't believe my stead. I already saw it with my own eyes..

Hakuryuu's anger was seen when she almost sliced Yamato off but she stops. She sheathes her katana and leaves the shrine.

Hakuryuu: (thought) they don't believe a single damn thing. They don't understand what I have went through! a single tear trickled on her right eye as she gritted her teeth in anger.

Gruziya was her aquintance. Her sudden death was unacceptable.

Hakuryuu: I will not let those bastards get away with it! I heed my vengeance against them!!

Shinano: ... Hakuryuu-san..?

The white haired carrier looked at the younger carrier with neutral expression.

Hakuryuu: And what do you want?

Amagi was quite nervous as she looked at the two carriers. She was prepared to protect Lady Shinano at all cost. She won't let Hakuryuu touch her.

Shinano: I heard of what happened.. I'm sorry, Hakuryuu-san.. I'm sorry if my sisters are-

The white haired carrier widened her eyes when Hakuryuu suddenly tapped her shoulder with her expression hidden.

Amagi: !!

Hakuryuu: I don't blame you.. Shinano..

Shinano was still shocked at the sudden softeness that came through her words.

Hakuryuu: I know this isn't me but.. I know that you know.. I know that you won't detest me because of my leaving..

Shinano can't help but blink her eyes. The words and the expression her acquaintance was showing was..

Hakuryuu: I know you will always believe me.. You proved it back when you were young..

Amagi: Lady Hakuryuu..

Hakuryuu: Our sword is our pride, our life is our strife.. There is no sinister to be hidden and no blade shall be stained..

Shinano: .... Hakuryuu-san..

Hakuryuu: It's alright.. I know someday that you will bring me back once I went into a deep slumber.. But.. the assurance was unnecessary..

Do not let the Sakura Empire become the very thing they will swear to destroy..

Amagi cannot get the thought of one of the strongest carrier to let out such softeness towards others. She was usually brash and prideful on her words. But this made her think a second thought.. Maybe we cannot really judge the book by it's cover..

Hakuryuu patted her head finally as she slowly walked away from the duo. Shinano felt bitter when she looked at Hakuryuu carefully.

She, Hakuryuu didn't want to see her friends die. Then she (Shinano) remembered.. that in the future, also known to be her origin timeline.. that it went bad to war. Shedding bloodstain on the lives of every people in the faction..

Warspite, was seen on the faction being well hidden on the trees.


Warspite: Sakura Empire have this massive carrier at their stead?!

The authorities are doing something malicious behind their backs..



While the white haired carrier sailed towards the unknown, the unfamiliar presence made her go alerted..and cautious..

Hakuryuu: Who disturbs the peace?! (she wields her katana angrily as she looked at the black colored portal.)

?? : Oh, well, well, well.. Look what do we have here..

?? : Isn't a bit fun? We will totally dispose you as well, The almighty Hakuryuu of the Sakura Empire.. you will join Sovetskaya Gruziya together.. HAHA!

Hakuryuu gritted her teeth as she looked at the weird "looking" ship creatures.

Hakuryuu: What the hell are you?!

??: We are the fear.. the doom of all the world! We will conquer what we must need to! Our vanguard will strike every ship that is alive!
Humankind wanted to grow like a tree just to reach the clouds, but we will gladly erase you from the existence! Just like what happened to Sovetskaya Gruziya! hahaha!

Hakuryuu: Tsk-! So you're the ones who killed her?! You imbeciles!! I will slice you off until you FEEL THE SAME THING SHE FELT!!

?? : The battle begin.. Purifier..

To Be Continued..

Preview on the next chapter:

"The humanity will fall once more..!"

"It's time.. that Azur Lane will be born from the depths of the ocean.. Long live the world..."

renn closing!!

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