At the house
Y/n's POV :Y/n : you know Taehyung.......
Jin : hmm(Jin hummed while drinking water)
Y/n : You know he's pretty handsome.
Jin : *coughs*(Jin chocks on his water and he coughs)
Y/n : W-what happened oppa? Are you okay?(worried)
Jin : Yes I-I'm b-but what did you just sa-say?!
Y/n : That Teahyung is pretty handsome and hot simple.
Jin : D-do you like him?
Y/n : Umm....I-I don't know(she blushes)
I ran directly to my room, I don't know when oppa asked me that question my heart started to flutter..... like I lot! I don't know what happen.
— — —
Author's POV :
At Taehyung's houseTaehyung : Ah! I'm tired.
Jisoo : Oh! I see, seems like you did a lot of work without going to the office.
Taehyung : To me, yeah it was a lot.
Jisoo : You know Taehyung some times I also feel stressed but when I remember my happy memories with the people I love and it makes me feel better, you know.
Taehyung : Ya, kind of, you can say that noona.
Jisoo : Do you remember Y/n???
Taehyung : Yeah, I remember her.
Jisoo : You know she wasn't like a student but also a little sister. You know in my collage years, I used to be so evil, rude and also so mean to other but when she became my student, she made me realise, that I was wrong and a rude person, having harsh behavior and she also brought so many changes in me. She was so small a that time and you know she looked so cute still does tho but now she's even cuter. I wonder if she has a boyfriend or not.
Taehyung : You know noona, she's very cute and adorable and her beauty no one can resist her!
Jisoo : What are you in love with her or something?
Taehyung : N-NO!, but she's just very cute!like a small kid and I love small kids(says fastly)
Jisoo : So you mean you love her right?cuz you just said that you love small kids and she's like a small kid.(smirking)
Taehyung : NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Don't say like that noona. I don't have any feelings for her okay!
Jisoo : Sureeeeeeee!!!!!(smirking)
Taehyung : Yah! Why are you smirking?!(trustfrated in korean)
Jisoo : Nothing just go to your room and have a nice nap since you're tired.
Taehyung : Yeah, I'm very tired(starts climbing the stairs while yawing)
Jisoo : Okay bye sweetie! Have a nice nap!
Taehyung : Noona!!! I'm not a small kid now, please stop calling me that.
Jisoo : Okay I won't call you that.
Taehyung went inside his room, when he was retiring for his bed a thought came up in his mind that when his sister had asked him that "have you fallen in love with her?" he felt his heart going faster and faster at every thought of her, he started to wonder what this feeling could be? He shrugged it off ad went to sleep.
Jisoo's POV :
Jisoo : I'm getting board what should I do?maybe I should outside for a walk?yeah that's a good idea.
Jisoo went outside for a walk and she was thinking about his brother's feelings for Y/n, she should make them come closer together "Maybe I should ask Jin for help."
Jin's POV :
When Y/n said that Taehyung is so handsome and hot. I was shocked because I know her, she never says anything about any other guy like this to me. And when I asked if she loves him or not, tho I asked her this question many times about other guys, her answer has always been a straight up no, but this time she was stuttering and she didn't say a no when I asked her she said "I don't know" and that can't be possible if she doesn't feel anything for him. I might talk to Jisoo and get them together, I mean they do look cute together.
Jin : I'm getting bored, why did I take a day off? I should go to my office I'm bored anyways, actually no going to the park is a better idea.
I got ready and went outside thinking about how to bring them close.
I was jogging and thinking about that, but my thoughts were cut short when I saw something wet on my shirt and I found out that I bumbed into a girl and her drink spilt on my shirt. I was so angry that I scolded her.
Jin : What the fuck!you!?you spilt all your drink on my shirt!
??? : I-I'm so sorry, I b-by mistake bumbbed into you I didn't mean it on purpose, let me clean it(she was stuttering)
Jin : Yah!you whore!, don't you dare to touch me!I'll clean it myself.
??? : No let me do it,it's my fault anyway(and she starts to clean the stain with a handkerchief)
I wasn't able to see her face, as she was looking down but I guess she saw my face and she was none other than Jisoo. I realised what I did and I pleaded to her, it mustn't be an insult for her. I begged.
Jin : Jisoo!!!you!!! I'm so so-sorry I-I d_didn't mean to say that, I-I'm really sorry.
Jisoo : It's okay(in a weak voice)your shirt is clean now.I'm going, again it wasn't your fault it was mine, I'm so sorry(bows)
She was going but then I grabbed her wrist and tried to stop her.
Jin : Please stop. I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you(my voice was cracking)
I don't know what was happening to me,how did I become so soft like this?she turns around and she was burning in angry and she......
To be continued.......

His Archenemy || Kim Taehyung
FanfictionJisoo : Tae, y/n, you've got to do this for the company Jin : Yeah! Otherwise Y/n you know if something happens both our companies will be in the hands of either Taehyung or Jisoo. It's a partnership. We're forced to do this. Y/n : Then why can't yo...