Meanwhile back at Seoul...
At Hyunjin's house— — —
His doorbell rang so went to check it out. He opened the door and it was Taehyung.
Hyunjin : Hey Taehyung! What's up?
Taehyung doesn't respond to Hyunjin and glares at him.
Hyunjin : Why are you here at this hour? Do you need my help?
Taehyung still remains quiet and pushes Hyunjin aside and walks in.
Hyunjin : Okeh I'm guessing you're mad at me... I'm sorry for whatever it is that I did wrong.
Taehyung then walks over to his couch and sits down. Hyunjin grabs a glass and pours alcohol into it and gives it to Taehyung. Taehyung takes the glass and takes a sip.
Taehyung : You know what hYuNJin dude you just missed a really good opportunity to poison me.
Hyunjin : Why'd I do that tho?
Taehyung : Oh! why wouldn't you?
Hyunjin : I don't understand...
Taehyung : You don't huh? Well, I guess you won't live to find out.
Hyunjin : What are you-
Just then Taehyung pounces on Hyunjin trying to kill him with a knife, Hyunjin being the spy he is, backs off quickly as a reflex.
Hyunjin : What the hell! What are you trying to do?
Taehyung : Are you dumb? Can't you tell? I'm here to kill you!
Taehyung runs after Hyunjin with the knife in his hand. Hyunjin also runs saving himself from a maniac that just entered his house.
Hyunjin : Are you a fucking psychopath!? I told you I'm sorry for whatever the fuck I did!
Taehyung doesn't respond to Hyunjin and keeps running after him in his house. Just then Hyunjin gets Taehyung off his trail, hiding in his bathroom and locking it, trying to think what is even going on.
Taehyung : Who will save you now Hyunjin?~~~ Noone's here! I made sure that no one will come here tonight!
Taehyung rushes open every door that he encountered, inspecting every inch and corner that he could come across. Then finally the only room left to check was Hyunjin's, he opens the doorknob swiftly not making any noise, so as to not alert the spy that might be hiding there, but Hyunjin being the elite spy he is, nothing can ever be hidden from him, he heard him, he knows that he's approaching, Hyunjin gets ready for any sort of attack. Just then Taehyung was done inspecting the room, he was about to leave when his vision fell on the door of Hyunjin's bathroom, he slowly approaches the bathroom so that Hyunjin wouldn't hear him if he was in there, little did he know Hyunjin knew everything, he could see everything from the cameras, Taehyung opens the door, he couldn't see anything as everything was dark, he turned on the lights and still couldn't see anyone, just as he was about to leave Hyunjin pounces on Taehyung from his back, making him land face first on the ground while Hyunjin held one of his hand to his back and his face locked to the ground.
Hyunjin : It's really starting to get stupid what do you want?
Taehyung : Revenge!
Hyunjin : For what?!
Taehyung : For your existence!
Taehyung then pushes Hyunjin aside, freeing himself. Hyunjin becomes a bit unbalanced from the unexpected ambush. Taehyung sees the opportunity to strike Hyunjin once again, Hyunjin falls down hitting his head on the edge of his bed then Taehyung pins him down so that he wouldn't be able to move. Hyunjin resisted the knife by locking his arms so that the knife wouldn't come in contact with him.

His Archenemy || Kim Taehyung
FanfictionJisoo : Tae, y/n, you've got to do this for the company Jin : Yeah! Otherwise Y/n you know if something happens both our companies will be in the hands of either Taehyung or Jisoo. It's a partnership. We're forced to do this. Y/n : Then why can't yo...