At Jin's house
Jin was waiting for Beomgyu to show up in the meantime he was texting Yeonjun. Then suddenly the doorbell rang and Jin went towards the door to open it, he was expecting it to be Beomgyu but when he opened the door it was Namjoon.
Namjoon : Hey Hyung!
Jin : Hey Joon! Come in!
Namjoon went inside. Jin and Namjoon chatted for a while, while they waited for Beomgyu to show up, then the doorbell rang again. Jin excused himself and went towards the door, he was quite sure it was going to be Beomgyu this time but to his disappointment it was Yeonjun.
Yeonjun : Good evening Mr.Kim!
Jin : Hey! I asked you to call me hyung.
Yeonjun : Okay hello hyung.
Jin : Good! Now come inside!
Yeonjun : Thanks, but has Beomgyu shown up?
Jin : Not yet.
Yeonjun : Okay let's wait then.
As they were about to head towards the couch they heard another bell, they were sure it was Beomgyu but Jin looked through the spy hole just to confirm and it was him indeed, he quickly gestured Namjoon and Yeonjun to go and hide. He opened the door revealing Beomgyu.
Jin : You look pale, is something wrong?
Beomgyu : Yes! I've something to tell you, but promise me you won't get mad right away, you'll let me fully complete, if you want to punish me for what I did it's fine with me.
Jin : Okay, but let's go to my office first.
They went to Jin's office room and Namjoon and Yeonjun were just outside the room recording everything that was happening inside just in case it was a secret plan that they weren't aware of.
Beomgyu : Sir-(he was cut by Jin)
Jin : Please call me hyung
Beomgyu : Okay hyung(he showed a reassuring smile)
Jin : Good! Now continue
Beomgyu : Hyung I'm secretly working for ???, actually I'm his PA and...
Jin : And?
Beomgyu : I've been betraying you all this time. I'm so sorry hyung!
Jin : Okay but why? (calmly)
Beomgyu : Wait you aren't angry? (surprised)
Jin : Yeah! I feel betrayed but there must be a reason right?
Beomgyu : I didn't since I'm just his PA, I was following his orders, I didn't have anything against you. I'm so sorry hyung, I feel terrible for doing this to you, and now that I've finally realised I promise I won't ever go against you. It's fine if you want to punish me, if you hate me I deserve this.
Jin : I don't hate you, but why did ??? do this?
Beomgyu : Because he's after you! He wants to take revenge on you! That's why he's doing this.
Jin : Doing what?
Beomgyu : You remember when you told me about the Han Empire's hospital takedown
Jin : Yes what about that?
Beomgyu : He knows everything, that it's not illegal, he has all the documents, well not now and he's planning to sue you in court and we've just got the confirmation but no timings or dates yet.
Jin : Oh! and you helped him?
Beomgyu : Unfortunately yes! But hyung I've realised that it's wrong and that you're better than ???.
Jin : So what are going to do now?
Beomgyu : Of course I'm going to help you and do what's right, I'm the reason after all.
Jin : So you're going to betray ??? ?
Beomgyu : Yes but I'm not sure how
Jin : You know what just go with ???'s plan right now, don't let him suspect a thing, do what he says, tell me everything, and if you need help with anything tell me right away! Okay!(reassuring him)
Beomgyu : Okay I'll do that. Thank you hyung you're the best! I feel better getting this off my chest and thank you for not getting angry at me.
Jin : You're welcome and I forgive you.
They both hugged each other as a sign of gratitude, while Jin gestures to Yeonjun and Namjoon who recorded everything to go to the living hall fast and they responded to Jin with a thumbs up directing they recorded everything and are going. They quickly ran and sat themselves on the couch in the hall, while Jin asked Beomgyu to join the party.
Jin : Okay now let's go to the party.
Beomgyu : Okay hyung!(smiles)
They both went towards the living hall. Jin opened the door revealing Jisoo, Y/n, Taehyung, Taehyun, Yeonjun, Jimin and Namjoon. Beomgyu was suddenly shocked and asked Namjoon
Beomgyu : You! b-b-but aren't you the...
To be continued.......
Author's note :
Your weekly edition of horror is released!
Ik this chapter is a bit small but it's cuz my exams are starting from Monday but don't worry I'll most likely not miss the next upload even tho it's in between my exams but anyways why do you think Beomgyu asked Namjoon that uncompleted question? Also, I'm giving you an insight! ✨ A NEW FF ✨ is coming out on Lino's😼 birthday(October 25th) no info on the theme or group it's on cuz hehe suspense is nice😈😈😈and I bet you thought when the doorbell rang it's going to be Beomgyu but BEHOLD readers always expect the unexpected with me(also any MLB fans revelation is also an ep of mlb s5)

His Archenemy || Kim Taehyung
FanficJisoo : Tae, y/n, you've got to do this for the company Jin : Yeah! Otherwise Y/n you know if something happens both our companies will be in the hands of either Taehyung or Jisoo. It's a partnership. We're forced to do this. Y/n : Then why can't yo...