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lil spoiler ⚠️

This will be a different AU, where the UpperMoons are Hashira, you will take rank 5, therefore, Gyyoko will be rank 6, and Ume and Gyutarou will be rank 7, Muzan will have the same disease as Kagaya Ubuyashiki, everything will be the same but different, Nakime will not be a Hashira, she will be Muzan-sama's assistant, she gave up being a Hashira, since she wanted to be Muzan's assistant.

Nezuko will be human, while Tanjiro demon, his friends will be the same.


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"You are welcome to be a hashira, I congratulate you very much for that, and I hope you get along very well with the other Hashiras, Y/N..."
Kibutsuji-sama said, next to him was a woman with her hair covering her eyes. eyes, she was very pretty, even though her eyes couldn't be seen.

Finally, I became a Hashira after 2 years of training so much... Finally... Even though, I'll meet the other Hashira, and even though my rank is only 5th, I'm not that weak, which worries me To me, it's very embarrassing to meet new people, and now being a new Hashira, maybe they look at me as if I'm weak... or maybe something worse.

"Thank you very much Muzan-sama, it's a pleasure to be here with you..."I smiled at him, while he just nodded.

"Therefore... Tomorrow you will have to introduce yourself, I hope you get along well with everyone, Y/N Luxe, you can retire and rest ."

"Yes, Muzan-sama, I promise I'll get along with everyone, have a nice night!" I said to stand up, and bow my head to make a farewell reference, I was heading to the exit, so I could leave and go to my Minka.

(((Minka means Like "House" or something like that in Japanese. )))

[. . .]

"This will be very embarrassing.. What if none of them like me?...Maybe I shouldn't say it grudgingly, they might accept me.. " I was sitting behind a wooden door, in front was Muzan-sama, Speaking to the other pillars, the point was that when I hear my name, I should come out and introduce myself.

"You should keep in mind that she is new to being a Hashira, and I would like everyone to get along with her. Please, so.. I present Y/N" Muzan-sama said, I panicked for a moment, but I had to steel.

I went out behind the door and found all the Hashira, but... It was rumored that there were only 6 Hashira... But there were 8 people?... Maybe they are of the same rank or something...

"My name is Y/N luxe, and my breath is that of crystals, it is a pleasure to meet you all, and I will be delighted to meet you all." I think I shouldn't say almost all my life... Why did they look at me strangely?... I'm going to panic...

𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐔𝐒. ║𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐮 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now