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"That was very embarrassing

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"That was very embarrassing... Maybe I can go eat something..." I got up from where I was and began to walk, they still didn't give me any mission, Muzan-sama says that there are no attacks from any demons yet, therefore no need to worry much.

"Hey, you!" I turned towards the sound seeing... ¿The bird boy? What was his name?... Oh yes, ¿Urogi?

"Do you need something?"I said, this one is closer to me and and he smiled

"Hehe, actually.. My brother, Karaku said that he wants to get to know you a lot more, and me too. Since you're new." He smiled "Do you remember my name? ¿which was yours?.. Mhh.. ¿Y/N? I think so."

"Umh.. Urogi? Well, that doesn't seem like a bad idea." I smiled at him "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have dinner."

"Oh? Haha! What a coincidence, I'm going too!" he smiled

"Oh really?" I told him, I guess he was telling the truth?..

"Yes! Could I accompany you? .. If the lady wants, of course." He said smiling, closing his eyes.

"W-Well, okay??.." I said smiling, he just widened his smile

"I'm so glad about that!! So let's go." He said offering me his elbow to grab it, I just smiled and did as he wanted, his skin was very fine and quality...

"And tell me, Y/N.. How old are you?" He said, still smiling, I hesitated a bit to tell him, but a better idea came to me.

"I'll tell you if you tell me your age, and that of your brothers."  I said smiling victoriously, instead he looked at me with the same smile, did he never get tired of smiling so much?

"Haha! Well well. Well, you already know them all I guess right?.."


"Well, the oldest is Sekido, he is 22 years old. While karaku is 21, Aizetsu is 20, and I am also 20. Oh, there is also zohakuten, the little one, he is 17 years old."

" 17?! I thought he was like 12 or 13?! , he is very dwarf..."

"Hehe, everyone thinks that, but you know, don't criticize a book for his cover."  he said laughing "Now tell me, how old are you?"

"Oh.. I'm 19"  When I told him, his face looked quite surprised.

"19? I thought you were 25." he said again laughing

"25?! Hey, I'm not that old! Don't criticize a book for his cover, I thought you were 23."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, and I'd like that, haha." He smiled again.

"Look, we're here." I said, it was a tiny stall, but there were many things, Onigirs, Hanami Dango, Sakura mochi, sushi, among other things there were many.

"What are you going to order Y/N?"He said looking at me, I looked at him for a few seconds and turned to the food. They all looked very good and delicious, but I don't have that much money with me.

"I just want three servings of Hanami dango, and that's it."

"Only that? Well, I want three portions of Onigris, and Two of dorayakis." He said smiling at the old woman.

"Okay, that would be 50 yen for the lady, and for you it would be 100 yen."

"Here.." I told the old woman, but before I could give her the yen, Urogi intervened.

"Here you go, I pay for the lady too!"He said offering 150 yen, thus taking what he asked for, and I did the same

"Hey why did you do that? I could buy them." This one just smiled at me

"It doesn't matter, you're new, and that was for being so nice to me haha!" He laughed again...

"Hey... No, here's my rest.. " I gave him 50 yen

"I don't want them." Urogi spoked.

"B-But you have to take them, you paid with your yen, and I only give it back to you."

"Haha, you're very kind, Y/N.. But take it as a welcome part of me."

"No, please take them." I grabbed his hand and put the yen in his palm, He looked at me with a confused face, to which I closed his hand like this, sitting on a small bench

".. You never listen, do you?" he said standing next to me

"Seriously, you paid for my food, and I thank you just by giving you the change, and... Thank you." I smiled at him, and he smiled at me again as he always did


"Well Y/N, maybe tomorrow karaku wants to meet you, I have to go now, surely my brothers are waiting for me for dinner hehe, see you another day!" he grabbed my hand kissed there, how chivalrous.

"Uh.. Bye Urogi!" I waved at him while he was doing the same, and he walked away

Today sounded like a date- What im thinking... Y/N focus, oh, almost forgot, today they said they'd give me a new crow, so I have to go see it.


"Miss Y/N, You crow is ready, and you can take it. " said a kakushi handing me over to a crow that is black and white..

"Thank you very much! Have a nice night!" She just nodded and I started walking "And tell me, what name should I give you? You look like a girl... I'll name you... Luna." The crow just nodded, she was very pretty.

"Okay, Luna, I'm Y/N!"

But, I still had a doubt about tomorrow... Seriously, is karaku interested in me? seems like a joke-

Well, in that case... we'll see it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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