The Calling

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"Thwala, uyawazi umsebenzi wakho." (Thwala, you know your job.)

"Yebo Gogo."(yes Gogo.)

"Ngizwa ubuhlungu ngoba usalelwe izinyanga ezimbili ulana bese kufanele sikuhambise uyoqala ukusebenza." (I am saddened that you are only left with two months here then we will have to accompany you home, so you can start working.)

"Kanti ke ungakhathazeki Gogo ngoba ugog'uhlanganiso uyena osezosiza, ngiyabona idlozi lakhe likhaliphile futh lisho ukusebenza alidlali." ( Don't worry Gogo because ugog'uhlanganiso is the one who will help you after me, and I can see that idlozi lakhe is sharp and it means business.)

"Angeke ahlale iskhath eside ngoba kudala limuthwasisa, okuningi uyakwazi kodwa inkinga akanaki." (She won't be here for long because her ancestor has been initiating her for a while now, she knows a lot of things, the only problem is that she's ignorant.)

"Uzophothula?" (She's here for the final course?)

"Yebo" (yes)


My mother always told me that, she named me Thobile because when she gave birth to me, I never troubled her even when growing up, I was always her little Angel.

"Mntanam uzithobile impela, uyangijabulisa ngokulandela igama lakho." (My child, you are really kind and you makes me happy by following your name.)

"Ngiyabonga Mama, ngiyakuthanda kakhulu." (Thank you Mother, I love you so much.)

"Uthandwa yimi ngane yami."(you are loved by me, my child.)

"Gogo, ukhalelani, konke kuright?" (Gogo why are you crying, is everything okay?)

Argh! This initiates are everywhere in this yard. I didn't even notice that I was crying, sigh, I zoned out again. I wiped away my tears and stood up.

"Angikhali kodwa kungene umhlaba esweni." (I'm not crying but soil got in to my eye.)

He nodded and lead me to Gogo's big hut. I was busy admiring the yard and the place as a whole. It's a place full of sand and it's comfortable when you walk barefooted like me, stones doesn't prick you.

Here there are like 15 huts and all of them on their stoops are written surnames and names some of them. This yard is kind of divided into two, there's a yard where everyone stay, they are six house's. One is big and old. On the other side there's a spaces for the huts(izindumba/emakhosini) with its bathing place (isigezelo samathwasa).

The place is beautiful with it green grass and water flowing nonstop. The sun is hot here very hot but I wouldn't mind staying here forever.

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