Chapter Thirteen

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From Paul: good morning Sum ;) I miss you
Ugh. Well I know at least he's good and attached to me, so I can end this thing earlier and move on. I ignored the text from Paul and went to go decide on what to wear on such a special day as today. Something small, obviously. Something see through, yes. Complete with a push up bra, and a lacy underwear and I was off. I wasn't in the mood to eat so I decided to skip breakfast.
I ran out to get to the bus stop. I was so excited that not even Alex staring at my ass bothered me. I was pretty sure Gia would have told Marissa and Lex about the change.
We got to school and I went off in search of Steven. I found him waiting by my locker.
"I wanted to say yes to your offer for Saturday. But come home with me later, kay Steven?" I told him
"Whatever you say babe," he said with a hint of a smirk on his face. As he left Marissa and Lex came up.
"So what are we doing today? Are the games still on?" Lex asked.
"Umm yeah the games are still on."
From Gia: Tuesday's we skip homeroom to get coffee. Don't take them to hr.
To Gia: k
Well I guess I'm not going to homeroom today.
"Let's go." I said to the girls throwing my books back into my locker grabbing out my phone and my purse. I slammed my locker door shut and hurried so we could sneak out while people were still coming in.
"Summer how are you doing on the games?" Marissa asked me.
"Not even close. Either of you?"
"No, but me and Rick broke up. Well, I broke up with him." Lex told me.
"What happened?" I asked. Maybe if she told me how she broke up with him I could pick up tips.
"I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Can't stay in one place for too long, ya know?" She told us
"Yeah totally," I said while Marissa nodded her head in agreement.
We walked into the coffee place and there wasn't much of a line. This was the young person coffee place, and most of us were at school at this time of day.
I ordered a hot chocolate because I wasn't really in the mood for coffee. Lex and maris got lattes.
We began to head back to the school about half hour later so we could make it to first period on time. When we got through the doors I headed to period one barely making it in time.
My day was going very typical, but at lunch I found Paul. I brought him to my table where I was going to break up with him. I had to think of how to do this in the most hurtful way possible.
"Paul it's over" straight to the point, I decided, was the worst, therefore best, way to do it.
"I'm sorry I don't understand?" He said
"Me and you. No more. Horrible. Over. Gone. K bye." I said ushering him away from my table. He looked hurt, like I was intending. I ate my lunch with the rest of the group and thought about what I would do later with Steven.
The end of the day seemed like it would never come. It finally did though, and Steven and I were walking back to my house. The first thing I smelled walking through the door was my sisters extreme lavender perfume. I swear every time she sprayed that perfume I smelled purple.
"Hey Summer you're home! Who's the new guy?" She asked. Wow Ally, up in my business again, like always. But hey, isn't that what sisters are for?
"Ally, this is Steven. Steven, this is my older sister Ally." I introduced them.
"Nice to meet you, Steven." Ally said, and Steven nodded in reply. My sister gave me a look that said "we will talk about what the hell is going on with you later". But, later is later, and right now I have a job to do.
"C'mon Steven let's leave my sister and go upstairs."I said pulling him up to my room.
When we got into my room I sat down on the couch in my room and motioned for him to join me. I was planning to start with a flirty conversation, but before I could open my mouth his lips were on mine. My mind, as usual, wasn't in the kiss, but I felt what I could only assume was his tounge poking at my lips trying to get them to open. I refused. I didn't want to appear that easy. He seemed a little thrown back at my refusal, but took the hint.
All I could tell you about it was for basically an hour he barely let me get air. So far he was definitely the most touchy close kissy guy, but he was also only the third. I was pretty relieved when he said he had to go, but he was real upset. Was the next few days going to be like this? I just had to last till Saturday then I could end this one. This one would be fun to end.
As soon as Steven left the house Ally came into my room.
"What the hell has happened to you, Summer! This is not how my little sister used to act! Every few days you're coming home with a new guy on your arm! And these clothes! Summer tell me what this is all about!" She began her lecture. I had to make a choice here. I could tell her the truth about my plan, and risk her shutting it down. She might support my plan, but that is just such a big risk if she doesn't. The other option was to lie like the wind. Naturally, I chose option B.
"Nothing's going on, Al. I'm just growing up. I mean I'm fourteen and a half. That's practically fifteen. I'm not a little girl anymore and you just have to back off and let me grow up! Just trust me and give me a little space to breathe!" I took a deep breath after I said that letting it sink in. It wasn't exactly a total lie, I really was growing up. The lie was that nothing is happening. The truth is everything is happening, but she just can't know that.

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