Chapter Fourteen

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"Thank you so much for yesterday!" Said Gia first thing in the morning. She had been waiting for me by my locker.
"No problem it was fun," I said in reply.
Not only was it pretty cool to be the queen for a day, it really boosted my image. Now not only the boys were interested in me, but the girls were starting to notice me too. Just yesterday alone I got about five or more phone numbers.
"Today after school were doing our workout, Marissa, Lex, and I. We do it every Wednesday. It's at my house in the gym basement. You better be there." Gia told me. Let me explain something about Gia's house. It has 4 basements, that's how big it is. Technically it used to be a huge one but they divided it into 4 still very huge soundproof compartments, each one having a separate staircase leading to it. One was a gym, one was a movie room, one was a storage room, and the final one was Gia's room. She said she chose it so she didn't have to worry about being to loud. Her parents don't know this, but one day when they were gone she paid a contractor to construct a passageway behind her mirror that leads to outside. She always has people coming in and out.
"Yeah I'll be there," I assured her as we headed off to class.
I went through my day occasionally seeing Steven, every time receiving a kiss. Oh I can't wait to see how he takes it on Saturday.
Finally, the bell rang and I ran home to change real quick before heading to Gia's mansion. When I say her house could be confused for a hotel I really mean it. I ran through the door, stripped of the clothes I was wearing, and grabbed sportswear. Sports bra, yoga pants (I skipped underwear 'cause I can't have underwear lines!), and a tank top. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and washed off my makeup. I replaced the heavy makeup with some of a much more casual variety and was out the door. I didn't even go to the front door I just went right through the little passage leading to Gia's room.
"Hey I'm here!" I shouted as I walked into her room. She must have been in her bathroom because she wasn't in her room. I was right, because two seconds later she came in. Obviously she hadn't finished getting dressed because she was only in a sports bra and pure lace underwear.
"Don't mind me half dressed." She laughed and so did I. I checked my phone as she put on a t-shirt and yoga pants like me. I noticed she kept on the lace underwear and still didn't have underwear lines. I made a note of that, I have a few pairs of pure lace underwear at home.
"Is that underwear gonna be ok if it gets sweaty?" I asked her, wondering I mean, that kind was extremely expensive, but then again I'm talking about Gia here.
"Actually it's perfect because it dries really fast." She told me. The more I know.
"I'll have to remember that for next time," I said and laughed.
We talked more and Lex arrived, then Marissa. Finally, we headed into the gym to begin our workout.
We were running on treadmills to burn calories and squatting to get better butts and lifting weight to keep our arms looking good. Then we did sit ups to get abs. This was honestly much harder than I expected it to even be. I didn't expect this from the girliest girls ever to walk this earth. But I guess there's even more to being a girl than I ever realized, because he I am.
After the workout we went back to Gia's room where we were spending the night.
"Call shower!" Gia shouted running into the bathroom. Marissa, Lex, and I all stared at each other.
"Second!" I shouted after we just stared for a moment wondering who was next. I didn't really care who showered after me so I tuned out their fighting over it. I wondered what the girls were going to say about my pajamas. When the rest of me was updated I never thought about pajamas. When I grabbed clothes I grabbed the closest pajamas I could find to suit the new me, actually they were things I usually didn't wear to sleep but I brought them anyway. Suddenly the bathroom door bursted open and Gia came out and I instantly felt relieved. What she was wearing was extremely similar to what I brought. Sports bra and shorts.
I jumped up and ran into the shower before Lex or Marissa could decide make a run for it.
When I walked out of the shower Lex and Maris both made a run for it into the bathroom. I guess they'll figure it out in there. When they both came out we started talking.
"So who's got any updates about the game?" I asked the other girls. I was sure Lex and Gia would have no problem, Marissa just was not anybody's favorite in the group. But Lex and her boyfriend just broke up, so that gave her a disadvantage. But I'm sure the queen had no problem.
"You know about my boyfriend," Lex said.
"I don't know," guess who said that one. Just guess.
"I'm still picking a guy as my target. How bout you, Sum?" Gia asked. Ah, so that's why she hasn't won yet. She hasn't chosen.
"Well I'm kind of with Gia, I'm still picking."
"But aren't you with Steven?" Lex asked
"Yeah, but I'm totally breaking up with him." I told the girls. We talked back and forth for awhile about who would be good and who wouldn't. We talked gossip about other girls. We talked about bras and underwear and girl problems. By the time we stopped talking it was almost 3:00 am and we only noticed the time because Marissa fell asleep. We continued talking for a little longer after moving Marissa onto the couch. I'm assuming they have a whole system worked out for sleeping here, because then Lex started to go into the spare bed.
"No, Lex, Summer is going to sleep there from now on. You can sleep on the second couch." Gia said stopping Lex. Lex looked startled. Obviously she was not used to being replaced. I'm starting to figure out how these three operate. Gia was the queen obviously, and Marissa was her least favorite, that's why she got the couch. Lex was her favorite, getting the spare bed. But now I was in the spare bed and Lex was downgraded to second couch. I was the new second in command. Gia's new favorite. Before I couldn't figure out why she always enjoyed talking to me more than the others but now I see.

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