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"Dean Winchester is saved"

I gripped Dean Winchester and raised him from hell. It was told of me to save this human, something about him was unique but, I didn't know what was special about one human. However, following orders was vital so I didn't question God's orders. My next orders shocked me the most, I was told to come down to Earth and give instructions to the humans. I had never worked that close with humanity like my brothers but, this event would be life-changing.

Dean was more stubborn than I thought and he seemed to think we were all "dicks". I told him I was an angel and his lack of faith shocked me. I didn't know much about him and his past. I wanted to find out more and help him. I even got backup from my brother, Uriel yet, he was still rude and stubborn.

Why was I assigned this?

Love, Eternal - A Destiel Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now