~Chapter Four - Longing~

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I found myself keeping my promise of watching him all night. I didn't realise the sun was rising until I heard him.

"Cas?" He whispered, groggily. "Dean?" I whispered back. "Why are you up so early?" I asked. "I am not, it's six, I get up at this time" He explained. I looked at him shocked. I didn't realise the time, I wanted to leave quickly to avoid embarrassment, but I longed for Dean, I couldn't leave him. Not again, not ever. "Oh," I said, monotonously. "What's wrong, Angel?" Dean said. His eyes widened when that left his mouth. He didn't mean to say that. "I-I didn't mean to say that-" He stuttered awkwardly. "It just kinda slipped out! B-but you are an angel and-" "Dean" I said, cutting off his rambling. "It's okay" I finished. Dean has never had an issue with giving me nicknames until now, why?

"I'm sorry, Cas," He said sitting up. "Sorry for what?" I asked, cocking my head. "I don't know...making you sit here all night" He shrugged. I sighed, I must leave, I have to leave. I can't give in to this longing. "It's fine" I got up and with a whoosh, I disappeared. "Wait, Cas-" I heard Dean's voice cut out. I couldn't be there longer with this aching pain of love. I longed for Dean, I could only hope he felt the same. However, I knew he didn't, why would he when there are a bunch of pretty girls? He doesn't like guys...so this vessel doesn't do me any good.

I heard Dean's calls for me to come back, but I ignored them, I couldn't face him. I couldn't act normal when I have unholy thoughts about him, what would God think? Am I sinning by pining over Dean Winchester? I might as well check in with Sam...later.


Sam was searching for a case when I found him. "Sam" I stayed, making my presence noted. Sam looked at me "Yeah, Cas?" He asked. "I think I messed up...I finally stopped ignoring Dean, but my longing and nerves made me ignore him again, what am I supposed to do?" I asked. "Well, have you tried to make your advances yet?" "Slightly...I snuggled him last night" I didn't really snuggle him, but whatever happened last night, either way was an advancement. "Really?" Sam's eyes widened. "See? You know what you are doing, get close to him, make him fall for you!" Sam smiled. "Okay," I said, confidently. Don't run away was Sam's advice. Just don't run away...

I went searching for Dean, and I eventually found him in the library. "Dean" I made him notice my presence. He looked up at me. He opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "I am sorry, I shouldn't have left earlier. "It's fine, Cas" He shrugged and went back to searching the lore books. I stood there awkwardly. Dean realised I hadn't left yet and stared at me. I sighed and turned to leave when I heard him "Wait, Cas!" I turned around and hummed in response. "You don't have to leave if you were hoping to talk," He said. "You do want to talk?" He asked. Of course, I did, but would it seem weird? What would we talk about? My longing kept me there "Yes, I do" I said with no motion to not act desperate for attention from the male. This is getting serious.


After talking for a while Sam came in and stated "I found a case" "Great! What is it about?" Dean asked, excitedly. "That's the thing, Dean...it seems like a one-person job and I kinda wanted to do a hunt by myself..." Sam gave a fake look of pity. Dean frowned. "Fine" Dean stated. "Okay, bye!" Sam winked at me. I finally understood. Sam walked up the stairs and we heard the bunker door open and close with a loud creak.

"Aren't you upset about these...arrangements?" I asked. "Kinda...but now I get to spend time with you" He replied. My eyes widened, does Dean like me too? He can't though...he likes women. He probably means it as a friend. We went back to talking and educating ourselves using the lore books-even though I knew most of the information.


It became later and later and later, Dean had begun to fall asleep and I wasn't tired because angels don't sleep. "Dean?" I whispered softly. "Mhm," Dean replied. "Are you tired?" I asked, even though I knew the answer. "Yeah, Cas, I am...if you want to leave then go," He said. I didn't want to leave and when I stayed, Dean slumped onto me. He is so cute. I decided the best thing was to take him to bed.

I easily transported him to his room using my powers, luckily he didn't seem to be affected by the use of my powers-Dean is not a big fan of my "angel mojo". I laid him down and went to watch him from afar. However, I felt his hand tug at me "Don't go" He mumbled. I could hear what he said clear as day though. "I am not, Dean. I am just going to sit over there" I replied. "Nooo," He whined. What is wrong with him? After trying to free myself from his grip for five minutes, I gave up and decided to get in bed with him. Because angels don't sleep it was hard lying there under those blankets thinking about the wrath of Dean tomorrow.

However, Dean in the bed beside me was where he belonged, this was where I belonged. I felt safe, he felt safe. I longed for this. I smiled looking at Dean. How he would act tomorrow left my mind and I closed my eyes finally in peace.

This is all I ever longed for. I love him.


(A/N:) I apologise for not updating for about four days, things have been hectic and I have been busy..! However, I will try and stay on schedule---like the four parts before this one.

~Ender <3

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