~Chapter Nine - I Love You is Hard~

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(A/N:) I apologise for the lack of updates. I say I will do better, but it's been weeks and honestly I am like that partner who says they will stop cheating after being caught but never stops and never should have done it in the first place---So, here have this crappy, fluffy, interesting chapter written by yours truly. And honestly enjoy...




Dean thought about it, the words seemed so easy yet, so hard. Why couldn't he say it? One phrase, a phrase you tell someone when you love them. Dean couldn't. He couldn't say it. Why?

I looked at Dean, cocking my head. What did he want to say? I didn't want to invade his privacy by reading his mind, but it was an intriguing thought. What was Dean thinking about?

I want to say it, I have to say it, but everyone I-Sam and me-love either leaves or dies. I couldn't bear having Cas die. I couldn't bear watching him leave me, but those words-that phrase-would be true. Say it, Dean, say it!

"I...uhm...I" The words get stuck in my throat. "What is it, Dean?" Cas looked at me awaiting a response. A response I didn't have. Why is this so hard for me? Why must he look at me like this?

"I...like you..." Was the only thing I could get out. I mentally face-palmed at that. "I like you too" Cas replied, confusion lacing his features. "No, like I like-like you," I said. Cas tilted his head to the side. "Yeah, and...I like you too," Cas replied, unsure. I sighed and brought Cas close to me again. "Why is this so hard?" I mumbled out loud. "What's hard, Dean?" Cas asked.


No going back now..."I want to say it, but it's so hard" I said. "Say wha-oh." Cas read my mind mid-sentence. I didn't care that he did, I was rather thankful for that. "Hey, it's okay" He held my face and kissed me. "I love you too" He smiled.

"I-I..." I sighed. Just do it, Dean! Cas waited in anticipation as he saw me open my mouth again. "IloveyousomuchCas," I said, but it came out as one word. He chuckled and kissed my lips again. This boosted my confidence, I have already said it once, here goes nothing...say it slower.

"Cas, I love you so much..." I did it! I said it. I saw Cas tear up. "W-why are you crying!?" I grabbed his face and kissed away his tears. "Say it again..." He whispered.

"I. Love. You," I said. He smiled and kissed me chastely. He deepened the kiss and I let him take control. He pulled away, "I love you too" He hugged me. And at this moment I realised how much I love him.

I yawned, I never realised how exhausted I was until now. "Dean, you're tired. You need sleep" I heard Cas say. "Uhm, Cas?" He nodded his head for me to continue. "Would you..." I trailed off. "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked, I bit my lip even though the answer was obvious.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Dean asked. He bit his lip, I could tell he was nervous. I also felt this nervousness. But excitement overpowered it. "Yes, Dean," I replied calmly. I approached him and he put his hands on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders. We shared a kiss to make it official.

"I love you," Cas said. "I love you too, babe," I replied. I could get used to calling Cas my boyfriend. I smiled, contently. "Now, you should get rest" I heard him say. "Only if you snuggle me" I looked down. "Of course" He held my cheek and smiled.

So, that's what they did. They snuggled. Having left all their problems to the past. They were happy and that's all that matters. Sam was happy for them as Dean and Cas were happy for him and Eileen.


Or is it...

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