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Hello, dear reading reader,

First, I must say how surprised and confused I am when I notice someone still reads this story. This fanfiction is one of the very first stories I have ever written and it's my first DC fanfiction. The idea for this story is almost eight years old and it's super bad when I look back at it. Which is the reason why I'm writing this A/N. 

When I started writing this story, my English and writing skills were below zero (not like now it's any better) but my English improved, and I remembered this story. So, my idea is, if there is still someone reading this, I would rewrite this story. The plot would stay the same but most of the stuff around it would change a bit. 

And I would like to include those who were tough enough to read it so far. If there is someone who has some ideas I could add to the story, or at least someone who would want the story rewritten, please write it down in the comments and I'll look into it. Recently I've started having some problems with making new stories because I was thinking about difficult plots, which is the primal reason why I would like to keep the idea of this story as simple as it was at the beginning.

Thank you for reading this boring message and for your eventual comments.

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