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Nightwing's POV

When we returned back to the Mountain I noticed Batman is unfocused a bit. He is still the most focused one of us all but when he met those werewolves something hit him, hard.

"Bats, is something wrong?" I asked a bit confused. He shook his head, he never does that. "No, I'm fine," he said and he left the room. Something is really wrong. I went after him and I found him in the mission room watching recordings from the werewolf cave. I stood beside him. "Is it okay if I watch with you?" I asked and he hummed 'yes'. I glued my eyes to the computer screen in front of me. 

There was no one in the cave for at least ten minutes then they came in. The older werewolf was holding the younger one in his hands. He was unconscious. He laid him on the old clothes in the back of the cave. Then he came in front of the camera. "I know you're watching us," he started. "I need your help...he needs your help." his head turns back to his brother. "That wound gets infected. It's really bad. He has a very serious fever and he's very sick." he said before he destroyed the camera. I gasped.

"I'm going there," Batman said leaving the room. I ran after him. "I'll go with you," I said. "Take the aid kit," he commanded. I smiled and rushed for the aid kit not caring for anyone who asked me what was going on. I ran through the zeta tubes to the Batcave to Batman. "I got it!" I yelled. Batman was already waiting for me by his Bat-jet. "Get in," he commanded and I did as he said. 

When we reached the werewolf cave we saw the older one running to us. "You heard me!" he yelled obviously worried. "We did. How bad is it?" Bats asked. Werewolf took a deep breath. "Very bad. I don't know what to do." I saw tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Don't worry we will help him," I said with the softest smile I ever did. He smiled a bit too. "Thank you." he leads us to the cave and to his brother. I gave Batman the aid kit and I took the older werewolf outside. I don't think he had to see it. 

"What's your name?" I asked to make him think about something else than his sick brother. "I'm Jason. Jason Todd," he replied shaking a bit. "How old are you?" I asked. "I'm 14," he replied a bit calmer. "What happened to your parents?" I had to ask but I regretted it a bit. He froze. "My father got arrested two years ago and a year later my mom died because of drugs..." he explained. I put a hand on his shoulders. "I'm sorry." I wanted to hug him now so badly.

"And you?" he asked back. I was kinda shocked. "I'm Nightwing. My true name is Richard Grayson and I'm 18. My parents were murdered twelve years ago when I was six." I said. Tears were forming in the corners of my eyes when I was talking about my parents. Suddenly he wrapped his strong arms around me and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry too," he said. 

"I see now. We all have sad backstories," he said. "How so?" I asked confused. "My brother. Tim. He's just 7 and he already lost everything he ever had. His mother was poisoned when she was pregnant with his baby brother three years ago. And his father was murdered three months ago by that murderer from Central City. He witnessed both of their deaths." Jason explained. I froze in shock. A seven years old boy saw the death of his family. Just like me. And he lost his unborn brother too. I felt so bad for him, for both of them. 

"Maybe you can stay with us," I said after a while of thinking. He broke the hug and stared into my eyes shocked. "Really?" he asked. I nodded. "I don't see why not." a huge smile crossed his face and he hugged me again higher than earlier. I patted his back. I heard him sob quietly. "Hey, It's okay. Don't cry." I smiled again. "I...I can't. It's too nice of you." he sobbed. I was in shock. It felt like he had never been loved. 

Suddenly Batman came out of the cave a little werewolf in his hands. "We have to get him to the Mountain," he said staring at us. We both nodded.

When we arrived at the Mountain Bats took little Tim to the med-bay and I took Jason to our living room and we sat on chairs across from each other. The whole time he was talking about his little brother and how long they know each other. How horrible were their parents and so on?

Suddenly the team returned from their mission. They all had shocked faces. Jason's tail fell down and his ears were as well. I saw fear in his eyes he doesn't know any of them so I understand his fear. "It's okay Jason. They're my friends. You can trust them." I smiled. He nodded slowly.

"Hey, guys!" I greeted cheerfully as I usually did. "This is Jason." I introduced Jason to them. He waved nervously. "Hey..."

My teammates greeted us both back. They took Jason as their friend. M'gaan immiadetly rushed to Jason and she wanted to hug him but I could see the nervousness on her face so she just shook hands with him. "Hi. I'm M'gaan." she smiled widely. Jason's ears were up a bit now. He seemed a bit confused.

"He's not accustomed to kindness." I smiled a bit wider. All my teammates gave us confused looks. "What do you mean?" Superboy asked leaning his head to the side a bit.

Jason's POV

They were very kind. All of them. I've never met someone so kind in my life. When the boy with the Superman symbol on his shirt asked what Nightwing meant I froze a bit. Should I tell them? I asked myself.

"I never met such a nice human," I said. "And your brother?" a red-headed boy in a red-yellow suit asked. "He's not a human," I replied.

I froze again when the boy with dark skin asked. "What happened to your family?" I had so much rage in my head in two seconds. But I can't just explode now. "Father is in jail...mother is dead...because of him," I explained. The boy came to me. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's okay," I replied. "And I'm Aqualad." he smiled softly. I think he was a leader he had a leadership act. "Nice to meet you," I replied.

When they were all introduced to me I felt really tired. I hadn't slept for two days now but I had to wait for news about Tim. I yawned quietly and I laid my head down at the table in the kitchen.

I felt a tap on my shoulder I jumped at the sudden touch. I turned my head around and I saw Nightwing. "Sorry for scaring you," he apologized. "but Bats want me to show you your and your brother's room," he said. I nodded and followed him to my and Tim's new room.

It's such a huge room with two beds next to each other between them was a small nightstand. On another side by the doors were standing two closets and two tables on each side of the room.

I stood there with an open mouth. Nightwing laughed a bit. "I hope it's not too much for you," he said. "N-no it's just so huge!" I said amazed. Nightwing laughed again. "I will leave you now. You should get some good sleep," he said and slowly left. "Please wake me after you will get some news about my brother." I pleaded. "Of course!" he called back.

I closed the doors and lay on the bed. It was really soft and sweet. I think I fell asleep right after I closed my eyes.

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