Chapter 2

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You took the long way home, giving Levi a quick tour of the main areas of the community, and also allowing his talent guild time to drop off his new clothes at your house.

"Here we are," you announced as you landed on your branch of the Wind Fairy tree, with Levi right behind you. You scooped up the bundle of pink-colored clothes that had been left on your mat, then opened the door and led Levi inside.

Your home was built into the branch. It wasn't too large but big enough for just you, with a nest made of twigs and bird feathers, a kitchenette, and a door leading to the bathroom. Several windows gave the space an open, airy feel, though you could cover them with leaves if you wanted. You'd made it as cozy and aesthetically pleasing as possible, decorating with lots of purple plants – the color of your guild.

"Make yourself at home," you told Levi as you shut the door behind both of you. "The bathroom's over there, and the kitchen has snacks if you get hungry. Also, fairies typically decorate in the style of their guild, so if you wanted to add a few things, I wouldn't mind. This is your house now, too."

"Thanks," Levi muttered while he followed your lead and slipped off his shoes at the door.

You bit your lip, unsure of what to say next. Levi already felt like the most important person in the world to you, but you knew almost nothing about him. How were you supposed to deal with that? "Um...would you like to sit down?" you asked, gesturing to the kitchen table. "We could talk a bit. I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

"Yeah," he replied, taking a seat.

Yet, he didn't ask you anything. Maybe he was feeling equally as uncertain in this situation as you – probably even more so. He'd just been born into a whole new life, after all, an entirely different species with new rules and dynamics.

"'re a Garden Fairy," you began, figuring discussing his talent was a safe starting ground. "Are you excited?"

Levi sighed pensively, his gaze drifting to a spot on the table, and he picked at it with his finger. "I'm not sure. I...I've never really thought of myself as good at that type of thing. Nurturing. could be okay. At least it's not..." He swallowed. "I...I was wondering if I'd be a soldier again. If I'd spend my whole life fighting, just like I did last time. That's all I knew how to do, all I was good for. I...I really thought...especially because they're called 'Scouts' – that was the name of my regiment, before. I really thought that would be my talent. And, to be honest...I was relieved when it wasn't. I'm so tired of fighting."

You smiled supportively while reaching across the table to take his hand. "Then I'm glad you got something different this time. And I know you'll be good at it. That's why it's your talent."

Levi's gaze flicked to yours, softening. "Thanks."

"Of course. Now, um..." You swallowed, feeling heat prick your cheeks. "Earlier, you asked about us being mates. I guess...we could talk about that now...if you want."

"Is it...uncomfortable for you?" he asked slowly, picking up on your demeanor.

"No! Not at all!" you assured him hastily. You pulled your hand from his, holding both your palms open in front of you. "It's just...I guess I'm a bit nervous, because it's, um...romantic in nature."

"O-oh," Levi stammered, a soft pink blooming across his own cheeks.

"Yeah," you murmured. "Well, I should probably start with your dynamic. Fairies are different from humans in that we have a primary and secondary sex. Your primary sex is male or female. Your secondary sex can be alpha, beta, or omega – though it's hardly even talked about, actually, because it only really matters when mating. It, um...well, it determines your ability to reproduce. Most fairies are betas, who can't reproduce no matter what. I'm an alpha, which is pretty uncommon. But omegas – you – are rarer still. When an omega breeds with an alpha, there's a chance that omega could create a seedling."

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