A Symbol of Hope

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What if all you knew just evaporated into oblivion? As if everything- everyone- you knew just disappeared. Like they never even existed. But just when you think they would come crawling back to you, it's already too late. Because they are no longer with us. Past on into a new life. A new world.

My name is Gale, a runaway. Most people would classify me as a rag or an orphan, but I'd like to call myself an adventurer. I've been on the road for about three years, and I'll tell ya: it's a lot different than trying to depend on others. I am free, and there is no one to worry about or no one to drag me back.

I didn't always like being on the streets. In fact, if I were given a chance to be with my family again and live a goddamn normal life, I would... But things aren't the same anymore. And they never will be... I guess I'm on my own now.

I'm pretty sure I was around the age of 4 when my parents were murdered. Only God knows why and who did it. But I wish I could prevent it. That's probably impossible for a four year old to prevent two eventful deaths, but I still would've tried. Then again, that would've probably been my last decision. Ever. Well anyways, after that, my uncle claimed custody of me up until three years ago- when I was twelve. And then somebody came to kill him. His last words to me were "Run, you idiot, run!" And that's exactly what I did. Every now and again I would get forced into living in foster homes. That either resulted in the building getting struck by lightning or me just leaving in the darkness of the night. I just feel like there's only a matter of time until somebody tries to track me down and kill me too. Just like my mother, father, and uncle.

And I'm pretty sure I know why: Every now and again, I've been able to control the weather. I know, it sounds crazy, and you're probably considering that I go to a mental institute for being delusional, but no. There is no other feeling in the world that could compare to the feeling of shooting lightning and summoning a storm in the midst of the night. Don't ask me how I do it, though. Because I have no dang idea. I just know that I can do it because it's been happening throughout my entire life. And how else can you explain why someone has been chasing me? You can't.

At the moment, I sit in a local park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It seems to be nearing Autumn, and I have yet to find a warm place to cozy up for the night. One thing that I've learned is to not stay in the same place for too long. That's when you get caught. Either by the police or them.

Not too long ago, I encountered a police man that found slight suspicion in me. It's not everyday you find a fifteen year old scavenging in a garbage can, with ragged clothing and a dirtied face, but all the officer did was take a glance my way and continued on his merry way. That was one of the lucky times.

I've been shoved into police cars and caught in cells. Thereafter, I would later get transferred to a foster home.

There have been times where I've been put under foster care, going from house to house, but when the time was right, I'd just escape. Because every household I am placed in, it never feels like home.

"Sir, do you need anything?" It took me a while to recuperate. I hadn't realized I was staring at a couple about fifteen feet away from me. It seemed like they were having a romantic evening, with their unnecessary giggles and shushed conversation. The two were set on top of a smooth, plaid blanket, and a woven basket was placed between them.

"Um.." I hesitate, "No... No," I innocently say and turn away, trying to forget the scent of the well cooked food within their neatly woven basket.

The couple give a slight puff of relief as I step away. At first, I thought they were going to be the generous type and hand me at least a piece of bread, but I guess I was wrong. I walk away in defeat. My stomach reminds me of the endless hunger I've seemed to be having more recently than ever. Then I thought, That's it! They can spare at least one sandwich.

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