The Visitation (Needs Work)

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I gather my thoughts as I sit up to cover my eyes from the blinding sun. A slight moan escapes my mouth as I hear the endless chirps from the early birds. Removing the sleeping bag from ontop of me, I rub the soft dirt from my elbows and stand to gather my thoughts.

I sit beneath the large tree where I found the letter. Before night fell, I had decided that I shouldn't risk going to that hotel room. After all, I didn't know if it was a trap or not... Maybe I should have gone... I don't know, but I guess I lived without going. I had the blanket with me-- typically I hide a small backpack somewhere where I plan to camp out for the night.

Unfortunately, I hadn't found anything the day before, so I decided that it would be best if I just camped out in a place nobody would find me. The lunch box was easily rusted out from sitting out in the weather for a while--maybe even years-- so I doubted if anybody would come venturing in the woods to find it.

I hear the hustle of a Monday morning; the innumerable beeps and honks of irritated people coming from the street to my right. It doesn't surprise me that I hear them; it's a Monday morning after all. Everybody's cranky.

I quickly pack up my sleeping bag, and file through my belongings. A water bottle, check. A box of snacks for the road, check. A map, check. My sketchbook, check. Art utensils for me to draw, check. And then the letter... I open it reluctantly, somehow trying to convince myself that I still have enough and nobody stole it overnight. Good, I think, It's all there.

I glance inside my sketchbook to see how much free space I have left until I need to get a new one. I pass through my sketch of a cardinal I drew several weeks ago when I was sitting atop a tree, and watching as a cardinal fed its newborn chicks. Then there's another picture of a man sitting lonesome within a deadly storm. Another picture of a woman's eye. One that holds the potential of seeing through the eyes of the galaxy. That one I drew yesterday right after I read the letter. I don't know why, but I just felt like it popped in my head so suddenly. And there was no waiting for me to draw it. It HAD to be done. Don't ask me why. It just felt like it was in my mind and the image was slowly seeping away from my grasp. There are a ton more drawings I drew, but only five more sheets of paper remain vacant.

Stuffing the sketchbook into my bag, I make my way out of the woods, and find the park completely empty. I make my way towards the place I last saw the two couples up the hill. In that direction, a park bench isn't that far away facing the hectic road.

Sitting on the park bench, I pull out the map and rummage through each landmark on the map, contemplating where I should go next. Let's see, I'm right here, so that means that I should make my way to this river and...
"I guess you didn't understand the letter," I hear a feminine voice sitting beside me.

Startled, I jump reluctantly. Looking away from my atlas, I find the source of the voice. There, a young woman sits at my side, looking amongst the busied street. It almost as if she did not even direct the comment towards me; like she was just saying it to herself. This must be the person who left the letter their.

"I didn't know if I should've trusted it." I say, cautiously.

"I suppose that's understandable. After all you've been through." she says, never making eye contact with me.

"How do you know what I've been through?" I say, completely shocked and curious of what she already knows.

The girl hesitates for several seconds until finally saying, "I know more than you think I do. And I even know who's following you."

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