What if Mikes family wasnt toxic

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It starts from the beginning beginning.
There was a human named Mike, who was married and already had kids. And HAD a job, but eventually got fired due to some mf, who linked all secret information and at the end was seen as 'innocent', but Mike was seen as 'guilty'. Aand this ended badly for Mike. At least for not having much information on who exactly was it, he didnt get any penalty. And so he got home.
"Im back honey.." Said Mike walking slower than usual.
"Why are you so early?" Asked his wife.
"Its a bad story, so there was-" Wanted to say Mike.
"No wait, you should change clothes and get some snacks. I will prepare some right away." Said his wife with a wink.
Mike sighed with a relief. Well, not really time for that yet, he needs to tell about getting fired. So yeah he changed his clothes fast and went to the dining table. Here his wife already prepared some sandwiches with tea and sat nearby. They had a little conversation and went to bed. Their kids already were sleeping. But, Mike couldnt sleep without having a work so he searched up for it and found out about Laminax Facility. He thought that if he get it, then he will be able to afford many things to make his family happy. He sent a message, waited and after a moment he was accepted. And after that he finally went to sleep. But his wife saw this and kinda was proud of him. On the next day Mike was awoken by his wife that said his breakfast is ready. He looked at the clock and realised that he didnt really have much time untill go to work so he grabbed food, put it in a plastic container and was ready to go but realised that he didnt say anything to his wife so he didnt know what to say at first but then his wife said that he forgot to turn off his phone. No time to stop and he went to work. Day was VERY simmilar to original story but this time he still had to come back to work because he left his important keys. So yes. It was silent, very silent. After he finally got down, right before doors of elevator open, they stop almost opened. Everything got dark.
"Sudden disturbance in the power grid detected. Unable to initiate low power outage mode. Please stand by..." Said auto-messaging mechanism.
-"Aw man. I hope i will get out safely" Said Mike in his mind.
As he was walking down the halls, he was a bit worried. Most of the workers were either at home, either sleeping in locked rooms. Then he sees something in the distance. It was nightcrawler with goggles, one of the most powerful gootraxians. Mike just stood in one place looking at him and waiting for any kind of movement. Nightcrawler stood in one place as well, just looking at Mike. This lasted for some seconds untill one of them spoke.
"What are you doing here all alone?" Asked nightcrawler.
"I. Why would i tell you?" Asked Mike.
"Well, do you see anybody else you would say it to?" Asked nightcrawler with a smile.
"Uh... But still. I don't even know you." Said Mike.
"Aw. But maybe i can help?" Asked nightcrawler.
"I dont really know..." Said Mike.
Mike was standing still thinking. Nightcrawler came closer. At first Mike wanted to move away from him because nightcrawler is dangerous, but then he thought he really wouldn't hurt him.
"Why dont fear me?" Asked nightcrawler.
"I ám scared, but i really think you are not bad." Said Mike.
Awkward silence.
"Would you like to see my hideout?" Asked nightcrawler.
"Um, why tho?" Said Mike.
"Come on, lets go." Said nightcrawler.
"Uhhh..." Was saying Mike looking a bit nervous.
"Cmon." Said nightcrawler with a smile.
"... Fine, but i really came not for this." Said Mike.
"Thats fiine. Lets go look together later." Said nightcrawler.
As they were walking, nobody was around. It kinda seemed strange. Nightcrawler just peacefully talked to Mike without any kind if aggression or protection. Even Mike himself noticed it. Usually gootraxians would not dare to talk with a human, but in that case he just tried to, comfort him?
-"Hmm, i didnt knew they can do that to humans." Said Mike in his mind.
He looked at nightcrawler. He just was leading way to his hideout. Mike would not dare to tell anyone about that, because he thought it was some kind of a secret. Mike didnt notice how he slowed down a bit.
"Hey human, are you going or what?" Asked nightcrawler.
"Yes. Sorry, i got into my thoughts and slowed down." Said Mike.
"Okay. But dont do that again, or else you might lose me from your sight." Said nightcrawler.
"Okay i get it." Said Mike.
They are still going untill they stop nearby big wardrobe or how is it called. Mike wanted to look at nightcrawler to ask what was gonna be next. But he wasnt on the spot, instead he was on wardrobe.
"What the flip are you doing up here?" Asked Mike.
"Dont talk about that and get up here!" Said nightcrawler.
"Fine." Said Mike.
He started climbing but when he almost got up, a capsule with green liquid started rolling. It was rolling in Mike's direction and was gonna hit head, but a moment before it happened nightcrawler caught it mid air.
"Better look where are you climbing." Said nightcrawler.
Mike looked up and saw nightcrawler putting capsule with green liquid carefully.
"Oh, i think it was gonna fall on me. Thank you!" Said Mike smiling.
-"Human thanked me..." Said nightcrawler in his mind looking surprised.
After he got up, nightcrawler started climbing on the wall. At first Mike got confused, but then he notices some ledges on the wall. He risked it and started climbing on the wall as well untill he reaches to the secret place.
"That is a hard reachable place!" Said Mike.
"It is, to keep myself safe." Said nightcrawler.
"Cool. By the way by name is Mike." Said Mike.
"Mine, mine is Axel." Said Axel.
"Okay, and what are you usually doing here?" Asked Mike.
"Chilling and reading books." Said Axel.
"Alright." Said Mike.
"How about we read a book?" Asked Axel with a small smile.
"No, sorry. I was meant to get the keys and get back home to my family." Said Mike apologising.
"Oh, you have a family?" Asked Mike.
"Yes, and they love me." Said Mike.
"Ohh, so they might be worried about you. Then lets find the keys and im gonna walk you to the exit." Said Axel.
"Sounds good." Said Mike.
And then they started looking for them. Of course it wasnt like 2 minutes and done because, you know, pups are around. After some search they found the keys and walked to the exit.
"Well, thank you for your help." Said Mike.
"It was great to help new human friend." Said Axel.
"Yeah." Said Mike.
Elevator came. Mike came in and when he was about to click on button.
"Hey Mike. Its great to see you, and that you are not like other people. Kind people are in more danger than anyone here. So be careful next time." Said Axel.
Mike looked at Axel.
"Okay. Thanks for everything." Said Mike.
He pressed the button and while doors were closing, he was waving... After a good sleep he had to go to work again. After good breakfast and a small kiss in chick from his wife he did go. And of course they gave him some work because they first check how they (workers) survive first then do the job. Mike didnt really have to do it in other story line because for mental break down anyone gets less tasks or something like that. Ok so he was doing tasks and when he was about to do another task he heard someone running. It was a person chasing a slime pup, with a bat. They didnt pay attention to him and ran by. Mike thought it wasnt right to chase down a pup or in another way 'experimenting material' so he tried to chase him but after a bit the chaser got stopped by Axel and slime pup slid between his legs. They didnt even talk and man tried to run away but slipped on Google... Joking, he slipped on goo and fell into the void... Yes, like that. Mikes face is like 💀, but still he turns back to normal and was about to go continue doing his tasks but got called by Axel.
"Oh hey there!" Said Axel waving.
"Ah, hi." Said Mike also waving.
"Did you see what happened?" Asked Axel
"Well, yes i saw.." Said Mike pooking a bit nervous.
"Chill man. Its just those people who are like very bad and annoying to us all. Without any real reason." Sqid Axel.
"Alright... Thats actually bad. But i cant do anything about about it, right?" Said Mike.
A bit of silence.
-"I cant do anything about it, right?..." Asked Mike in his mind.
"Yeah yeah, dont worry." Said Axel.
"Yes i know... Ok so im gonna go now. See you later." Said Mike walking away.
"Bye!" Said Axel.
Then a dark figure walks from the corner to Axel.
"Damn it, im late." Said dark figure.
"Yes Pedro." Said Axel while smirking.
"Come on bro, imma scare him next time bruh." Said Pedro.
"Alright alright. Do whatever you want. I wont stop you." Said Axel.
And now Mike was going to take something to eat because work wasn't going that easy, so yeah he went to cafeteria and of course got a task from Sofia to bring more ice cream. It was easy but still, he already had stuff to do. And after not do much time Mike again walks by cafeteria just to see many people exit cafeteria. There were some problems between Sofia and other people. She was laying on the floor, crying and eating ice cream. Jacob was cheering her up. Mike joined and as you remember, because she ate too much ice cream, she transfurred into sprinklekit. Mike couldnt really do anything about it, but leave them alone. And finally his tasks were done, but not working hours. He had to be here for quite some time so he was walking around. Nothing much was happening, but some battles and something else. Then he saw one lonely gootraxian im the corner of cave. It was a carneline but as long as its not power outage, its ok, and lonely. So Mike decided to come closer and it noticed him.
"Oh, a human..." Said carneline looking aware and ready to defend.
"Hello." Said Mike with a friendly look.
So he noticed the pose.
"What are you doing?.." Asked Mike meaning the pose.
Carneline looked at him for a bit.
"Just for safety..." Said carneline.
"Oh... Dont worry, i wont hurt you." Said Mike showing his empty arms.
Mike gained some of her trust.
"Oh okay... Its just others arent that friendly to me..." Said carneline.
"Thats bad. Why you tho?" Adked Mike.
"Heh, dont you see? Most of gootraxians are being bullied by humans. Including me." Said carneline.
Mike looked around.
"Well, i can see it now... When did it all start?" Asked Mike.
"Pretty long ago, i cant tell but its kind of annoying. This place used to be better. People used to be better." Said carneline.
"Oh... I feel for you... Wonder when will that end?" Said Mike.
"I dont know... But would be great to have a rest from all of this..." Said carneline.
"I hope so." Said Mike.
He gained more of her trust.
"By the way im Celine." Said Celine.
"Cool, im Mike. I work here from yesterday." Said Mike.
"Ohhh, i wish you good luck buddy." Said Celine.
"Thank you, i guess. Well bye now and have a great time." Said Mike leaving.
"See you later." Said Celine.
And so he didnt really had to do anything but to walk around. And so 5 minutes before end of day, he met Axel again.
"Oh hey there..." Said Axel.
"Hi, what is wrong?" Asked Mike.
"Well you see, another one of adequate humans named Sofia is transfurred..." Said Axel.
"Oh. That why... Im sorry i tried to help but couldnt really do anything." Said Mike.
"You was here?!" Asked Axel.
"Yeah. I saw what happened. She got harassed by others and was eating up her depression, with lab ice cream..." Said Mike.
"At least you tried... Thank you." Said Axel.
Dark figure sneak up behind Mike.
"Boo!" Said dark figure.
"Aaaa!" Yelled Mike.
"Haha, finally i scared you!" Said dark figure.
"Okay okay, you got him now, Pedro." Said Axel.
Yeah it was Pedro the panther.
"God damn it..." Said Mike.
"Dont worry buddy, i wont hurt you." Said Pedro.
"I see now." Said Mike.
Awkward silence.
"Well my working day is almost over so i will go. Bye there." Said Mike leaving.
Another day was done. And he didnt forget his keys. And so next day he got less tasks than last time. But still no tasks that include gootraxians. It was a relief for Mike. But some yelling from Axels place wasnt. It was Pedro talking with some other human. Turns out that human throwerd another human into the void just bc he was talking to Pedro. Mike hid behind the corner and started watching how they started to fight and how human named Ryan went in coma anf was being transfurred. And then some other human comes and sees what happened, runs away. And so Pedro, but in other direction. Axel come out of 'nowhere' and mike notices it.
"Ah uhh hi Axel." Said Mike.
"Hello there, did you see what happened?" Asked Axel.
"Yeah, i saw." Said Mike.
"I gess only you left now..." Said Axel.
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Mike.
"We talked about that yesterday." Said Axel.
"Oh, this. I hope i wont end any like this, i got wife and kids..." Said Mike.
Axel started thinking for a bit.
"I recommend you to get fired." Said Axel.
"The thing is, i cant. The contract said to work at least a week." Said Mike.
"Well, do you have any days off soon?" Asked Axel.
"Yeah tommorow... Wait what do you guys want to do?" Said Mike.
"A revolution." Said Axel with a serious look.
"...Well i don't know how you will do all of this but good luck." Said Mike.
"I want you to help us a bit." Said Axel.
"What?! How can i help?" Asked Mike.
"Its simple, i already asked Abble to help us with it. You only need to take the weapons and hide them in your office." Said Axel.
"Well that sounds not so crazy so i guess i can try." Said Mike.
And so he did do this and the next day...
"Honey, the news say that there was an incident at the place you work now. Thats terrible, but thank goodness you are here." Said Mikes wife...

                            T h e E n d...

Sorry for waiting, too many things happened and will happen and problems with wattpad, and others... I hope i will make more soon.

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