I'm back bitches 🤪

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After two weeks of crying and not going to school, I decided a boy wouldn't let get me down like that so I did my makeup and put on this outfit.
This dress

These heels⬇️

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These heels

These heels⬇️

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This is me

Once I got to school I stopped at the doors and took a deep breath then I pushed the doors open and walked down the hallway

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Once I got to school I stopped at the doors and took a deep breath then I pushed the doors open and walked down the hallway. Everyone started at me with their mouths open in shock. I stopped at my locker and put in my backpack. When I closed the door I seen Jayden looking at me.

"What do you want Jayden" I asked rolling my eyes "I swear I do love you, you look amazing by the way" He told me

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"What do you want Jayden" I asked rolling my eyes "I swear I do love you, you look amazing by the way" He told me. " I'm not gonna lie to you, I was dared to pretend to love you, but I'm not faking anymore" He continued "Jayden, I love you too, but i think that you are lying to me again" I told him "No I swear let me prove it to you" Replied Jayden "And how are you gonna do that" I asked. Jayden pulled me into the janitors closet and kissed me. I kissed him back "Will u give me another chance please" He asked me "Yes I will because I do love you, But one question" I said "What" he replied "Did you ever NOT love me" I asked "The first time you kissed me I knew I was in love" he told me.
After school I went home and changed.

Then I danced I my room to this song

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Then I danced I my room to this song

After the song was over I fell on my back landing on my bed. Since this song was on my play list it keep playing other songs the next song that played was.

I love this song it's from the rise of the pink ladies.I went to go get a snack and my all time favorite song started playing Poker face by Lady gaga cover by Eric Cartmen from South Park.

I came back with my snack and giggled. I sighed as I thought about Jayden.

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