Chapter 2 - Memories Are Lost

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Harry's P.O.V 

It's been a week since I had beaten Alyssa. I visited her in the hospital once, she is in a coma. And they aren't sure when she will wake up. But it wouldn't matter to me, because I was leaving in two months. I was going to try out for the X-factor. I remember when I was younger and Alyssa and I were friends. I would always sing to her, her favourite song was Isn't She Lovely. Every time I sang to her she would smile and tell me I should try out for X-factor. But forget her, for all I care she can go fuck her self. 

I was walking home from school today and as soon as I stepped in the door my mother greeted me. "So Harry how is Alyssa? Did you visit her today?" My mom always asked about her I think she knew that we weren't friends anymore, but I am sure she wished we were. "Uhh you know still in the coma why?" I shrugged. And with that I slumped off into my room. I honestly could say I missed her. I always thought about her and wondered if she thought about me. And with that I fell asleep haunted by the nightmare of me slowly beating her into a coma.

I woke up the next morning and I had school but I didn't want to go. Instead I just stayed in bed. I was surprised when my mom didn't come up and drag me out of bed to go, cause normally every morning she had to do that. But not today, so I walked down stairs to investigate what was wrong with her. She was on the phone teary eyed and when she hung up I hugged her, "Mom what's wrong?" She just shook her head. "You know Harry, Alyssa's mom called. She woke up from her coma." I sighed. "Isn't that a good thing?" Then there was a silence, until she finally spoke. "She forgot everything Harry, she doesn't even know who her parents are let alone her own name."

All I could say was wow, I did this to her, and her family. It hurt me, to think I did that. I felt my face pale I couldn't stand staying here I knew if I seen her I would break down. But this would of never happened if she didn't do that to me. I was happy that I only had a month left of school. And off to London to try out, it would be better for her she won't even remember me. I will avoid her so she won't remember I don't want to be cruel, it's bad enough that I damaged her that much. 

One month later

Harry's P.O.V

The whole month off school Alyssa wasn't at school so I didn't have to avoid her. But I had to leave and go to London to get settled. I would be living in the X-factor house for a month until auditions start. This would give me a chance to get away from it all, I still cared about Alyssa and I missed her. She never changed I did, but from what she did to me I can't stick around. After all she was being home schooled now, but my mom talks to hers alot and says that she is as smart as ever. The only problem is she lost all of her memories so not even the good in me she once saw. But its alright cause I'm on my flight now.

Alyssa's P.O.V 

I woke up from a coma a month ago and I didn't even remember my own name. But my "parents" told me everything I needed to know. I refused to go to school though because I wanted a new start after this year, I was going to move to London. Away from my past since I forgot it. 

One month later

Harry's P.O.V 

It was the day of my audition and I decided on singing Isn't She Lovely because it was her favourite song. I missed her so much, I wish I never did what I had to her. But now all I had to do was forget her. I went on stage and started singing and I made it through, it was amazing I loved performing in front of people. 

A week later I got booted but they took me back and placed me in a group of 5 other boys. There names were Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. They were my new best mates. We called ourselves One Direction, but when the final came around we placed third. Simon signed us anyway, though. It was the best day of my life and I didn't even have to go home, I was going to live in London instead off Cheshire.

It's been a year and we came out with our first album, Up All Night. And we were going on tour our first concert was a week from now in London. So our home town gets to see us perform first. 

Alyssa's P.O.V

Today was the day I was finally going to move to London, sure I would miss my parents, but I needed to go out and make friends in a new place. I needed to start over new. My flight was in an hour, and we were waiting at the airport. I was so nervous. We didn't talk the whole time, but time went by surprisingly fast and I boarded the plane alone. The flight would be short since I was only in  Cheshire. The flight would be about an hour long . 

The flight attendant lead me to my seat and as soon as I sat down I thanked her and plugged my headphones in.  I watched the towns below get smaller and smaller untill I driffted to a peacfull sleep. 

I awoke to the flight attendant shakeing me lightly and telling me we have arrived in London. I got up put my hair in a bun cause I knew it would look horrid. When I got out of the airport the car my parents bought me was waiting in the parking lot. I had the keys with me and I got in the car to drive to my apart that I shared with some girl. 

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