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I am Alyx Belmont. 

Alyx Belmont is me. 

Time passes so slowly in these parts. Stumble into another town, get wildly drunk, sleep in some strange alleyway that probably reeks of piss and mangy dogs, eat days-old food, and repeat. 

At least, that's what my brother Trevor does. 

After we were shunned by most of Wallachia, our home destroyed and the Belmont family practically murdered for sport... or out of fear of our capabilities, it's just been me and Trevor on the road. Alone - wandering - quiet. 

Just keep your head down, Alyx, I tell myself as we wander into yet another town. 

Don't attract the wrong kind of attention. 

Don't tell them you're a Belmont. 

Don't show them the family crest. 

Don't show off your skills. 

Don't care. Just survive. 

Don't go trying to be a hero. 

The list of do's and don'ts had been practically drilled into my brain by now; I might as well have been reciting them every night to myself before I went to sleep. My blood boils with anger when I remember what they did to us. What they did to our family. Fear and hatred are the two strongest motivators in this world, and people will do anything to survive when faced with something they don't understand. For the people of Wallachia, it was us. The Belmont family. Legendary monster hunters. Vampire killers. Heathens. We'd heard it all. 

The Church ruled with an iron fist over Wallachia, imposing their beliefs on all who would listen. A seemingly benevolent God wouldn't condone the destruction of one entire family, no matter how horrible they were, right? There were people starving and dying in every corner of Wallachia; what kind of God would allow that? I never understood it, hated it, even. 

But when we stumbled by perchance into a town that had been ravaged by strange creatures that some said were from Hell, we had no choice but to throw ourselves into the fray. One thing I knew with absolute certainty: 

We were facing the biggest threat we'd ever faced before. 

More than angry villagers with pitchforks and the full might of the Church bearing down on us with their holy Bibles and iron fists. 

No. This was something different entirely. 

Something darker was at play. 

That "something darker" was Vlad Dracula Ţepeş, better known as the deadly, legendary vampire Dracula. A tale as old as time, really. 

Last of the Belmonts (A Castlevania: Season 1 and 2 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now