Semishira Part 1

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What do you do if you have a Tendou set its sights on shipping you with someone? Answer, nothing, you can not escape the Tendou....

Semi x Shirabu

"Hmmmm," Tendou says, eyeing the two Shiratorizawa setters bickering. "Hmmmmmm.... Yes... that would be a nice one.... Mhm...."

"Tendou, what the frick are you doing?" Yamagata asks, after this has been going on for a... while.... "You're scaring the underclassmen," he pauses, "mostly Goshiki."

Upon hearing his name, said first year looks over to see Tendou staring at him. He freaks out a bit, and moves away from the Guess Monster.

"I just want to see something... really quick...." He walks over to the setters and says, "Would you two lovebirds want to continue this love quarrel or would one of you set to our future ace over there?" At the nickname the Semi looks at Tendou then Shirabu, then back to Tendou. Shirabu just continues to keep his neutral face looking at Tendou.

"Goshiki, I'll set to you, but if you miss one I will never set to you again." Shirabu walks to the beaming 'future ace'.

Once Shirabu is out of earshot, Semi turns to Tendou and says, "What the heck was that!? Why would you just come to say that!? Now he probably thinks that I like him!"

"Don't you?" Tendou replies with a smirk, his initial goal was to set (hehe that's a good one) those two up, but seeing Semi's face was a bonus that he wouldn't mind getting everytime.But at the comment, Semi's face turned from annoyed red to embarrassed red. Tendou is so loving this. "No! What made you get that idea ...."

"I am called 'The Guess Monster' for a reason, and I am almost always right," He says. Semi just rolls his eyes at the answer, it's a typical Tendou answer. Semi's known him for years, but he still doesn't know, and doesn't want to know, what goes on inside that little brain of his.

"What are you slackers doing?! Get back to practice!" Coach Washijō yelled from where he was sitting on the bench.

"Yes Coach~!" Tendou says, then turns to Semi again, "So you don't like him?" At this point you can tell Semi is more than irritated at the redhead.

"Didn't you hear Coach!? He said to get back to practice!"

"That wasn't a no...!"



Part two coming soon!! Hehe!

I hope you like this miniseries, it's a headcanon I have about Tendou.

That's all! 

Author, out! 

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