Semishira Part 2

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"So, huff, what was... that about?" Yamagata asks after practice. He really wants an answer, I guess.

"I bet ¥‎2,000 that they'll be together by... the day after tomorrow."

"That was very random, and sure, I'll take that bet."

"Alrighty, then we have a deal," Tendou says with his traditional smirk, "Yo! Semi-Semi!" He turns around to find said person talking to Kawanishi Taichi. At the sound of the redhead both boys turn their heads to him, and Kawanishi starts to slowly slink away. He doesn't want his upperclassmen to try to teach him his guess block right now.

"What do you wantttttt!?" Semi is already tired of Tendou, he doesn't need more.

"Walk with me!"

"Fine...." Semi knows that Tendou can be very scary sometimes, and it's a pain to get him to listen. The walk is silent until they leave the changing rooms.

"You never answered my question~!"

"Grr. I don't like him! Plus... even if I did, he hates me, so there is no point in trying to get my hopes up, hypothetically of course."

Hmmm, this won't do. "So... you're telling me that you're a scaredy cat?"

"What!? I am not a scaredy cat, and will never be one!" One thing Tendou knows is people, as we have already established, and he knows Semi doesn't like being known as a coward or 'scaredy cat'.

"Then man up and tell him how you feel, or you will forever be known as the school's biggest scaredy cat," Tendou started cracking up, "Too scared to tell a UNDERCLASSMEN how you feel because you don't want to be REJECTED!!! HAHAH" Tendou is now full on chortling.

"Alright then fine! I'll do it!"

"I have to be there to see it~! So that I know you did, and that you're not just fibbing~!"

"Gr! Fine then, when do you think I should do it?!"

"The day after tomorrow."

"You didn't even hesitate, and that's too soon!"

"On the contrary, it gives you just enough time to think about how to do it and not enough time to back out!" Tendou says, then bolts off in another direction, "See ya then!!"


This part is kinda confusing, but I think it came out well!

Author, out!!

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