💛Sub Thunderstorm x Dom Reader

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WARNING(S): Fucking Machine, degrading, name-calling, overstim, bondage, anal.

(I just like sub boys (o'∀'o) )


"You're really pathetic, did you know that?"

"Fucking bitch..untie me!!"

Geez, even now, Thunderstorm still had it in him to keep on cussing you out, even with his lithe ankles and wrists strapped and bound tightly to the thin metal pole beneath him. His hips were held up by the waist restraint to prevent any... Unwanted movement. You'd already slipped just the tip of the generously thick dildo into his slick and puffy hole. You wanted him to cry, yes, but you didn't want him to be in extreme amounts of pain, so you had lubed up his twitching hole, ignoring his hissed threats and rapid squirming.

"So rude. I'm surprised no one's already beaten the crap outta you already." You muse, giving him a look over to make sure that everything was set up perfectly. Thunderstorm continues to throw insults at you left and right, always keeping you locked in his gaze and never looking away. Seriously, he was a brat, I mean a bit but still a brat.

"Shut up! when I get outta here, I'll-!!"

"You'll what? go whine about it to Ochobot? you'll tell him about taking it up the ass? i doubt he'll want to hear that."

He chokes on his breath, ruby eyes widening in disbelief and his pale cheeks started reddening even more at your blunt words. You only give him a simple smile and crouch in front of him, ignoring how he nearly snarls at you when you raise a hand and begin stroking his head. You sigh blissfully at the feel of his soft hair beneath your touchー It feels like you're petting a feral cat rather than a person. Well, he was pretty cute, you'd give Thunderstorm that. but other than his pretty looks, he was utter shit.

"You're talkin' big for someone getting a boner from a dildo up his ass." You snicker cruelly, grinning widely as you grip his chin, hard.

"Sh-shut up..! anyone would too!" He hisses, shifting his body to little avail. 'How pathetic', you muse to yourself in sadistic amusement.

"Mmm, I doubt it. pretty sure you're just a pervert Thunder." You yank away your hand and stand up, slinking over to the small control panel right behind, ignoring Thunderstorm as he squirms and hisses your name. "I can see everything back here you know. your little dick's all hard, you fucking slut." A snicker escapes your lips when he shudders at the degrading name. God, this was such a power surgeー It was like a high you never wanted to come down from.

"Now then, shall we start? I'm getting pretty impatient over here." And with that, you decide to click the highest setting, a twinge of excitement squeezing somewhere in your stomach. You want to see Thunderstorm break.

With a click and a whir, and the huge dildo starts rapidly thrusting into him with no hesitation, building up a steady and brutal pace that almost makes you feel jealous. Thunderstorm lets loose a shriek as his mouth hangs open, tongue stupidly hanging out in the sheer shock and from what you'd think would be sudden jolts of pleasure assaulting him all at once.

"GHIIII?! y-you-! no..wait..'s too-!!" The brown-haired man chokes on his breath as moans force their way out and punctuate each word that comes out of his mouth. He grinds his teeth together once he hears the lascivious noises that spill from his lips, and you can see the drool beginning to puddle at the corners of his mouth.

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