💛Sub Blaze x Dom Reader

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WARNING(S): Tentacles, degrading, name-calling, overstim, exhibitionism, bondage, anal, dacryphilia 🔞🔞

─── 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚ ───

"Blaze, come here~" you sang. "I have a surprise for you, darling."

You heard him come down the stairs. "What's up, (y/n)?" He appeared in the doorway, as handsome as ever. "What's that you're holding, dear?" He nodded at your hand.

You smiled. "Remember how you said you wanted to try out some tentacles?" Blaze's eyes widened. "Well, I bought some. When we came back from a mission back in space" He came closer, wrapping his arm around your waist as he peered at the fist-sized bag, gently tugging it from your hand.

"Whoa. This is a thing? Thank you, (y/n)." He kissed you on the cheek. "So... how do these work?" Blaze asked curiously, reading the instructions on the bag of little red capsules. "Oh wait, here we go. 'Dissolve capsules in hot but not boiling water and wait until tentacles begin to squirm. Starting with 3 or less is highly recommended for beginners.' I didn't know these were real. Why three, though?"

"Probably because, you know, beginners. But maybe you should use more than that," you teased. Blaze raised an eyebrow at you, his eyes sparking with amusement. "What? You have pretty good stamina." You flicked his nose playfully.

"You kinky bastard. You just want to watch the show." Blaze ripped open the top of the bag and shook at least ten pills into his palm. He picked one up and rolled it dubiously between two fingers, examining the shiny red gelatin shell. "You sure I'll enjoy this, (Y/n)?"

"Yep." You smiled at him as you filled up a small cooking pot with heated water. "And so will I."

Blaze blushed furiously as he dropped the handful of capsules into the water, avoiding your gaze. "Whoa—" He leaned in, watching the capsules dissolve in the water, revealing little pale pink tentacles that began to absorb the water and grow in size. They began to writhe in the pot, splashing water around as they expanded. "O-Okay, that's actually pretty... big..." He shifted his legs, biting his lower lip. "T-That would probably feel... really good..."

"Are you looking forward to this?" you asked him, smiling as you saw the tent in his pants. Blaze nodded, his face was adorably red. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. "Then strip."

"H-Here?" he said incredulously. "In the kitchen?"

"Yep. It's easier to clean up," you explained. "And why not? Look, they're already raring to go." On the counter, the tentacles squirmed around eagerly.

Blaze didn't need any more convincing. He began to pull off his jacket and pants, letting them fall to the floor and revealing his cock, already hard and throbbing slightly.

"Good boy," you said approvingly. "Go sit down over there." You grabbed a tentacle with both hands, marveling at the slimy-slick texture as you lifted it out of the bowl. You walked toward Blaze, smirking as you saw how his cock was already dripping with precum. "Such a horny little slut." You dropped the tentacle onto him.

"Mmm—ahh—AHH?!" Blaze cried out as the tentacle wound itself around his cock, stroking his slit and pumping his length. "Mmmmh—ah—fuck, that's good, that's good—AH—(y/n)—" He moaned, shuddering as the tentacle stimulated his cock.

You sat down on a nearby chair, lounging in it. "Look at you, so fucking pathetic. You want more, you needy whore?" you mocked, already reaching for the pot on the counter.

"Yes! More! Please! Please! Yes..." Blaze begged, squirming on the floor. "More!" He arched his back, moaning as the tentacle pumped him. "Hah... more... please, (y/n)..."

You laughed, reaching into the pot and dropping a couple of the thicker ones onto his thighs. "Have fun, slut." The new tentacles wound around his thighs, holding them apart and gently sliding up and down the sensitive skin.

"Ah—nnngh—AH—hah—AH—" Blaze wailed as the tentacle rubbed the tip of his cock, his legs trembling. He thrashed on the floor, arching his back. "Gonna cum—gonna cu-um-mmmngh—" Cum spurted out of his cock, landing on the floor between his legs. He threw his head back, panting. "Mmm—ah—ah—more... please..."

"You fucking slut. Begging already, aren't you? Begging like a dog," you sneered, tossing the rest of the tentacles onto his shuddering body. "Well, here you go." They began to move over him, making him moan loudly.

"Well, this is a good view," you noted, idly twisting the bag of tentacle capsules between your fingers. "Maybe I should add more. How many is that? Ten? Oh my, you're such a dirty little slut."

"Y-Yes, your slut, I'm your little toy," Blaze whimpered as one of the tentacles wound around his wrists, holding his arms in place. "I'm just your—ah—hah—WAIT—" He jerked around the tentacles began to lube up his hole, trailing over his rim before dipping in. It slowly pumped in and out of him before speeding up and brushing his prostate. The tentacles began to pump his cock again, using his cum as lube.

"Ah—mmmh—AH FUCK YES RIGHT THERE YES MORE MOREMOREMORE—" Blaze screamed in pleasure as the tentacles began to overstimulate him. He sobbed and thrashed, tears running down his flushed face. "MORE MORE FUCK YES PLEASE—" he cried as he came again, his eyes rolling back in his head as white spurted all over his thighs. "FUCK YES MORE—" He looked at you with crazed, pleading eyes.

"Maybe I should just leave you here for a bit," you mused, getting up from the chair. "Have fun, dearie."

"No! Don't—ah—AH—go," Blaze begged. "Play—nnngh—with—me—ah—please..." He squirmed over to you, clutching your leg and looking up at you adorably. "Please... I'm your little toy... look at me, please..." He gasped, doubling over as he came again, his face softening as the pleasure surged through his body. "More..." His eyelids fluttered, and he collapsed against you, his legs twitching.

"Aww, so cute," you murmured, scratching his chin. Blaze whimpered, curling up against you as the tentacles overstimulated him without any sign of stopping. "Such a good boy, letting me play with you." You settled back into the chair, watching Blaze squirm on the floor, his thrashing growing weaker. He cried out, cumming all over the floor, sobbing.

"More—ah—more, please—" Blaze threw his head back, babbling and sobbing incoherently as he came again, his body shuddering. "More—more—more pleaseplease—pleasepleasemore—"

You sauntered over and gripped his chin, lifting up his head and admiring his desperate fucked-out expression. "I'm far from done with you, Blaze. Playtime isn't over yet."

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