Chapter 5

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Facing his question, Su Wei'an was speechless.
She wanted to tell him "don't like it" simply and neatly, but she was so clumsy that she didn't even believe it.
She desperately told herself in her heart that it was just an accident, but the feeling of her heartbeat made her unable to deceive herself.

She didn't know when she fell in love with Gu Yunzheng, maybe it was when he took her back to the hospital from a pool of blood; maybe it was when he pulled her behind him to protect her; maybe it was when he had a brain hemorrhage In her surgery class, he answered all her questions one by one, word by word and methodically. So he clearly admired his knowledge, but he still held his chin and said, "Aren't all these things he should know?"; so he couldn't help speaking for him; so at the moment of being stabbed, the first He is the one who wants help...

But what's the use of liking?

The things he said were not important were just extremely important to her.

In the face of life, this little love is so insignificant and powerless.

She suddenly wanted to cry a little, maybe she really wanted to cry, but she took a deep breath and said with a smile, "I can't like you, I finally managed to convince myself that as long as I get sick, I will give up on myself and not burden others, I Can't Let there be more things in this world that I may miss." She raised her eyes, the water in her eyes was still dry, she looked directly at Gu Yunzheng, and said word by word, "I don't like you, not at all!"

"Why can't there be something that makes you nostalgic? You are still alive and well, but you only want to give up yourself. What's the reason?"

She broke his hand and said, "This is my reasoning. It is better to give up as soon as possible rather than live to suffer others and myself. You see, we can't even make sense of such a simple reason. You like-minded girl!"

"I don't need any kind of girl!"

"I don't need you either!"

blurted out.

She was afraid that she would never say these words again. She almost didn't even think about it. She said these hurtful words by instinct. Between her mouth and her mouth, she just wanted to cut off her little affection for him with a knife. .

That ridiculous little thought.

"Gu Yunzheng, the reason why I seem to be close to you is that you are the only person I have known since I came here. As for those other thoughts, I really have no idea at all."

She said that, but didn't dare to look up at him.

Gu Yunzheng didn't know what to do with his expression, he just frowned, glared at her, and asked, "Are you serious?"

Su Wei'an saved a smile and said, "Of course I'm serious, how dare I make fun of the teacher?"

His repeated insistence on facing the stubborn Su Wei'an was in vain. He tried hard to get close to her, but she stubbornly refused him thousands of miles away, and he had nothing to do.

Gu Yunzheng closed his eyes, sneered at himself, turned, and left the ward.

Seeing his figure disappear outside the ward, Su Wei'an's strength seemed to be taken away. She leaned against the wall and slowly squatted on the ground.

She kept telling herself in her heart that she was doing the right thing, and that it was right for Gu Yunzheng to restrain herself from the precipice. Gu Yunzheng was just a novelty for her, and she finally accepted herself, how dare she hope that there is another person in this world Accepts her wholeheartedly?

People have so much greed, she has so much greed, if they are together today, they will think about tomorrow, and tomorrow they will think about the future, but she... has no future!

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