Love birds

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Fan's POV:
After I had bought the daffodils for Test tube, I was feeling even more nervous.. I'm seriously doing this- the girl I've had a crush on since day one of season two all the way to season three, and I'm seriously about to ask her out..!- it's stressful, to say the least. As I walk back to the hotel I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, as I think about what I should even say to her.. should I just be straightforward and blatantly ask her out?- or should i- no.. I have to be straightforward about it, test tube is smart but..- she can be oblivious when it comes to love. Hell, that's probably the only reason she hasn't noticed how hard I've been crushing on her.. I sigh and decide I should probably ask her when we're alone, asking her in front of everyone could lead to some problems, especially if she says no. I shook my head quickly, NO!- no, don't think about what could happen if she doesn't like you back- .. what if she doesn't even want to be friends anymore?- I can deal with losing her love, but her friendship?.. I don't even want to think about losing that... DANG IT! I'm still thinking about it!!!- ugh, if only I was more confident about this... I should probably go ahead and tell her to meet me outside the hotel now..

Test Tube's POV:
I was sitting on the couch and chatting with lightbulb, who of course, was being her usual crazy self, when I heard my phone ding. "Eh- hold on, Lb." She gave me a thumbs up and I pulled out my phone to check the notification. Fan ♥️- "hey Testy! If you're free, can you meet me outside the hotel? I need to ask- and or- tell you something." I gave a look of confusion upon reading the message, and Lightbulb was also reading it over my shoulder. She smirked and leaned back into her seat. "Weeelll, I think you should definitely go see him! It must be preeettyy important to Paper boy if he wants ya' to meet him outside the hotel!-" I blinked, and sighed. "You're right, it must be important if he's not telling me over text like usual." I admitted, texting him back a simple 'alright, I'll be right over!' Before standing up and walking out the door, waving to lightbulb, who still had a smug look on her face. As I closed the door behind me I searched around the outside of the hotel for fan, until I saw him. He was waving at me, and- wait- what on earth is he holding behind his back?- I walked over to him and- o-oh golly.. he's blushing quite a bit..

Fan's POV:
I felt my face heat up upon seeing her, I was so nervous.. I really hope she didn't notice, but she seems to be paying closer attention ever since I told her just how often I actually blush around her. I feel like a total idiot for telling her that, but can't really go back and change it.. hey, didn't TT make a time machine once?- NO! I'm not gonna use a time machine to go back and change a minor event I regret, that's always how something bad happens in movies!

(A/n: damn, fan, your nerdyness actually came in handy!)

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and clenched the bundle of flowers tightly behind my back. She smiled softly at me, but also seemed a little confused. "Hey fan, you wanted to speak with me?" I nodded "yeah, it's a little too important to do over text, so I thought it'd be better if we met in real life for this.." I sighed, and pulled the flowers out from behind my back "test tube, I really love you.. I've felt this way ever since I met you and the feeling has just gotten stronger. I hope you feel the same, I really do, but.. if you don't I hope this won't ruin our friendship." I looked up at her, with a weak smile, dreading that her answer might be a 'no, I don't.' Her mouth opened, but she didn't say a word. I saw light pink blush spread across her face, as she seemed to be focusing on how to reply..


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