fourth story

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TW: Self harm and depression

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the heart of the mountains, there lived a boy named Zak. Zak was known for his happy-go-lucky disposition and radiant smile, but as years went by, Zak grew increasingly sad and withdrawn.

One day, Zak's mother found him in his bedroom, surrounded by an array of sharp objects and covered in self-inflicted wounds. She rushed him to the hospital where Zak was treated, and it was discovered that Zak had been battling with depression for a long time.

After the incident, Zak withdrew even further into himself, refusing to speak or engage with anyone around him. That is, until he met Darryl. Darryl was a kind and compassionate boy who saw something in Zak that no one else did. They became close, and Darryl soon found out about Zak's struggles.

From that day on, Darryl made it his mission to help Zak heal. They spent countless hours talking and laughing together, and Darryl encouraged Zak to open up about the pain he had been feeling. Slowly but surely, Zak began to come back to life.

One day, while they were sitting on a hill overlooking the town, Zak turned to Darryl and said, "I never knew that love could be so healing."

Darryl smiled and put his arm around Zak, "That's because it isn't just any love, Zak. It's our love. The kind of love that can save a life."

And with those simple words, Zak felt his heart fill with warmth, hope and love. Thanks to Darryl's persistence, Zak finally found the courage to open up and begin healing from his depression.

From that day on, Zak never forgot the love and compassion Darryl showed him. He emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before, vowing to pay it forward and always be there for those who needed help, just as Darryl had been there for him.

(328 words)

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