fifth story

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no angst!

Zak and Darryl had been best friends since they were in middle school. They did everything together, from playing video games to exploring their town on their bikes. They never kept any secrets from each other, and their friendship was as strong as ever.

One day, when Zak and Darryl went to the movies to see the latest superhero flick, something strange happened. They sat next to each other, and as the previews rolled and the theater darkened, Zak couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach. He brushed it off, thinking it was just nerves for the movie, but as the movie progressed, he couldn't shake the feeling.

After the movie ended, Zak and Darryl walked out of the theater together. It was nighttime, and the street lights cast an orange glow over their faces. As they walked, Zak noticed that Darryl had a small smudge of popcorn butter on the corner of his mouth. He reached over to wipe it away with his thumb and looked into Darryl's eyes.

In that moment, Zak realized that he was in love with Darryl. It all made sense - the flutters in his stomach, the way he always wanted to be around Darryl, and the sudden realizations he had been having about his own sexuality. Zak didn't know if Darryl felt the same way, but he couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

"Hey, Darryl," Zak said nervously, "there's something I need to tell you."

Darryl turned to look at Zak, and he noticed the seriousness in Zak's tone. "What's up, man?" Darryl asked.

Zak took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to say the words that had been sitting on the tip of his tongue for months. "I think I'm...I'm in love with you, Darryl."

Darryl's eyes widened in shock, and he struggled to find the right words. "Zak...I don't know what to say."

Zak's heart sank. He had expected this reaction, but it still hurt. "I understand," he said quietly.

"No, Zak, it's not that," Darryl said. "It's just...I think I might feel the same way."

Zak's heart leapt, and he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "Really?" he asked, barely daring to hope.

Darryl nodded. "Yeah. I don't know what this means for us, but I know that I care about you more than anyone else."

They stood there on the sidewalk, their hearts pounding in their chests. Zak felt a sense of relief, like a puzzle piece had finally fallen into place. They didn't know what their relationship would look like from here on out, but they both knew that their friendship had only grown stronger.

As they walked home, Zak and Darryl talked about what the future might hold. They knew that they were still young, but the possibility of being together felt too real to ignore.

(481 words)

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