Could it be

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Jessie wakes up and sleepily looks around the room. Her heart races for a brief moment as she is not in her room. But after a short time she remembers yesterday. She was with Buzz and fell asleep.

*I guess he carried me here*

Just the thought of it makes Jessie's heart beat faster. Since the ruins Jessie feels different in the vicinity of Buzz. She shakes the thought away and stands up. She goes into the kitchen and opens a cupboard and takes out various foods. Jessie wants to surprise Buzz with a specialty of the Atlanteans. The dragon meal. It is a fruit plate and as a highlight a fruit with strong flames briefly fried. The fruit gets through the flames a beautiful green and the inside of the fruit is all red, like a dragon that spits fire. When Jessie has prepared the food, she puts the plate down at the dining table. She goes into the living room and looks for Buzz, when she gets up she doesn't notice Buzz sleeping comfortably and peacefully on the sofa. She looks down at Buzz and can't help but smile and blush. She shakes her head to get clear thoughts and wakes Buzz up. He stretches and sits up. Buzz smiles at her and rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning..." he yawns.

Jessie chuckles lightly. She gives him a sign to follow her, he notices the sign and gets up and follows her into the kitchen. The table is set, which surprises Buzz. Jessie points to a chair and Buzz immediately knows what she means. He sits down and looks at the colorful plate. Buzz doesn't know exactly what is on the plate, but it looks like fruit, but he has never seen such colorful fruit. Jessie goes into the living room again and comes back with the notepad.

An Atlantic specialty. The Dragon Meal.

"Is that fruit?"

Yes the big green one is the highlight. I'm going to cut it up.

Jessie gets a sharp knife out of one of the drawers and cuts open the big green fruit. Buzz is amazed at the sight of the inside of the fruit. He's seen fruit like this on his home planet, but never in such a bright shade. Jessie puts some fruit on another plate and gives it to Buzz, and Jessie also takes some on the plate. She waits until Buzz takes the first bite. When he takes the first bite, his whole body stops for a moment. Jessie is afraid that he does not like it, but this fear is quickly gone because in the next moment he gobbles down the food. She is happy that Buzz likes the food. He swallows and praises her.

"This is super tasty!"

She breathes a sigh of relief.

I'm glad you like it :)

"Like? It's the best fruit I've ever tasted!"

She chuckles lightly and is also off her food.

"Can I ask you something?"

Jessie nods and continues eating her food.

"How did your brother get to such a high position?"

Jessie stops eating and puts down her silverware. Buzz is afraid he has hit a sore spot.

He got this position because he is the strongest and because he is the son of the King of Atlantis.

"Wait WHAT?!" Buzz scoffs. "That means you and Woody are the Tron Successors!?"

Yes I will be the new queen of Atlantis

She looks depressed to the ground.

Are you mad?

"Of course not. In fact, I can understand why you didn't say anything."

Buzz looks at Jessie and sees in her eyes that she doesn't really believe him. He gets up from his chair and goes to Jessie. She looks Buzz in the eye.

War and Love between Humans and Atlantean (Rewriten from Forbidden Love)Where stories live. Discover now