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Hours passed and I'm starting to get uncomfortable from sitting down too long. There will be 13 hours left to the drive and I'm not trying to get any cramps so I stopped at a gas station. Might as well grab something from the convenience store. It's surprisingly kind of crowded. I grabbed some chips and a water bottle.

There's a girl in front of the cash register waiting for her stuff to be scanned. However, the cashier is nowhere to be found. She looked around and I smiled at her. She's really pretty. "Where's the cashier?" I questioned her. "Oh, she just went to the bathroom," The girl shrugged. To be honest, she looks somewhat familiar. She looks like the girl that bit Ni'Jah in the video that went viral. She taps her fingers waiting for the cashier to be back. I observe her facial features. Before she noticed I stopped. God, Y/N stop being a creep.

Thankfully, the cashier came back and immediately started scanning her stuff. "Are you going to the festival?" She asked. I didn't know what festival she meant. "What festival?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "The festival that Ni'Jah's headlining. You're wearing her merch. The eyeglasses, that's her brand. Thought you were her fan or something," I just answered with a hum and took my glasses off to observe it. To be honest, I didn't even know this was Ni'Jah's merch. I just thought it looked cool.

"Well, I'm not going. Are you?" I continued the conversation. "Yeah, I am. I'm actually her friend. We had a bit of a misunderstanding. After the show, I'll hang out with her and her kids," She grinned. I just nod in reply. It doesn't sound real at all. I'm definitely not convinced by her. But she said it with so much happiness that it sounds true. This girl is crazy.

She paid for her stuff and left. When it's my turn in line I look outside the window. The girl from before is talking to a brunette. She looked stressed and left right away. I took my paid food and sat at the table outside. "Nice, I love those chips too," The brunette muttered. "Cool," I replied. Another girl sat beside her and she smiled at me. I smiled back in response.

"I'm Cricket and this is Salem. First time in Bonnaroo?" It was obvious she wanted to chat so I let myself relax on the bench and nods. "Yea, pretty much. But I'm just passing by," I explained. "Where are you going?" She stretched while eating her friend's snack. "Canada,"

Both of them looked at me wide-eyed. "Canada? You're insane. That's like a 13-hour drive and it's almost sunset. Do you have a place to stay or something?" Salem blurted. Truthfully, I wanted to just drive there without rest. It's faster and cheaper too. "No, I'm not stopping. I don't have any more money to pay for a motel," I say wiping out the crumbs from my clothes. "Uh-uh. No way. That's like wishing for a car accident. How about you stay with us? Our place is huge," Cricket shrugged. I am pretty tired and they look nice. But their offer has a high chance of getting me killed.

"Oh, I don't know," I say unsure. "It's just us and a couple of friends. I used to be a couch surfer myself so consider this me trying to pass on the help I got," It'll save me a lot of money and my chances of getting into a car accident are lower if I have enough sleep. I guess I have to accept the offer. "Okay then. Thank you for the help,"

They smiled and walked into their car. "Just follow us, okay?" I walk to my car and gave a thumbs up. It's a short drive but their place seems to be in a secluded area. I parked my car on the driveway and followed Cricket inside the gates. Their place is really big. It's a cottage but huge. "Hey, you guys are back," A calm soft voice called out. Cricket and Salem greet her back. "We met a new friend in town, we thought it would be a good idea if she tagged along,"

That soft voice came from a blonde girl. Her eyes are piercing blue. I didn't even know someone's eyes could be that blue. Based on my 10 seconds observation, she's a really smiley girl. Everything from her pale skin to the way she talks just compliments each other. She's the definition of someone perfect. Too perfect.

She told Cricket and Salem to set the table and they walked inside. "Hi, I'm Eva... and you are?" She asked smiling at me. "I'm Y/N," Her smile turned into a grin when I replied. It kind of creeps me out. "A perfect name for you. Where was your designated destination?" She grabbed my right hand and caresses it. "Uh- Canada. I was just back from visiting my family in Alabama. Well, my dad," She nods at me while I'm talking. I feel listened to, somehow.

"Let's introduce you to my friends," She dragged me in. "But my luggage-," "It's fine, you can get it later," Eva exclaimed. She told me their names one by one but I couldn't memorize any of them. But they're really sweet complimenting me all over. One of them actually strikes me in the heart. It's from Eva herself. She said "You're so beautiful. You're like the stars that blink shining the night," It's simple but it feels close to home. My mom used to compliment me with analogies before she hated me.

"Wanna eat? I made flatbread," One of the girls said giving me a plate. I gleefully took the plate and followed them to the dining table. "So, Y/N. Why did you want to drive all the way from Alabama to Canada?" Eva asked drinking her water. "It's cheaper than buying a plane ticket. I don't have that much money with me," I can feel her eyes observing me but I said nothing about it. "Oh? Then that's great you found us. We'll let you stay for as long as you'd like. No payment needed,"

It's a really great deal but I still have a home back in Canada. "Oh, I can't let you do that. I'll just stay here for a while and I'll be poof gone. You won't even notice," I joked. Although, I don't think Eva appreciated the joke cause her smile fell a bit. "Okay then," She sighed. Another girl walked in with a big smile on her face. "Oh, look who finally joined us," Eva's mood changed and they pecked each other on the lips.

Oh damn. She's a girl kisser. That's actually really unexpected. She noticed my sudden shift and raised an eyebrow. "Are you-" "Homophobic? Oh, not at all. I'm a lesbian myself," I cut her off not wanting to give any wrong impression. They laughed at my defensive response. "No, silly. She just wanted to ask if you're done with eating. We know you're somewhat attracted to girls. I saw how you look at that girl in the cash register," It's unnerving how Cricket knows what Eva was about to say. But I guess it's normal to have friends who know what you're thinking.

After everyone's done eating, the sun has set. Another girl took me upstairs to a room. The room had a lot of beds but she told me to just pick one. I picked the one in the corner. She gave directions to the bathroom, the other bedroom that they sleep in, and Eva's bedroom. Why does Eva have her own personal bedroom? Is it because she owns this place or something? I'm too tired to think about it. The bed creaked a little when I try to get comfortable. Hopefully, I made a good decision.

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