season 2 chapter 1: old friend

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Katipunan's pov

"Who are you?" I said asking the person with red stripes and a crown
"Im mahapahit or just maha you?" Maha asked "Katipunan or just kati"
"Well nice to meet you kati" i nodded
"Where are we?" "That's my question to" i turned around to see some unknown countries that i haven't seen before but one stand out

"Spanish empire" maha looked at me and then asked "who?" I pointed Spanish empire then i heard maha groan "dutch empire" looks like im not the only one "so what did he did?"
Maha was silent for a moment "try to hurt Indonesia and my wife" he asked me the same question "well that man over their killed my wife kidnapped my son Philip and abuse him" after that i looked around again and froze as i saw a familiar face

"Excuse me for a minute" i left maha
Who was confused "excuse me" i tapped the person's shoulder and as she turn around i knew that it was her, my beloved the one i have long to see "perla" she turn around and started to cry but i hugged her "mahal..." She called me the nickname that i have been waiting for years to hear

"Mahal ko.... Kati" i hugged her tightly wishing that this isn't a dream and that i never wake up "perla mahal..." I said to her as she tightly hug me "mahal... Ang sakit na ginagawa mo (love your hurting me)" she let go of me and i took that time to breathe 'god she strong' i looked at her, she looks worried 'cute' i thought "mahal na saan tayo?(love where are we?)

"Hindi ko alam(i don't know)" then someone walked towards us and i knew that face "Spanish empire what do you want?" I ask the tall man
"Peace..  " wait what?

Philip's pov

"Philip wait" as i heard my name i started to walk faster as I don't want another drama going on "wait Philippines!" I stopped i never heard someone say my full name "phil I'm sorry" i turned around see "japan"
One of the people who i thought that would never leave me "sorry? SORRY?
YOU THINK THAT A SORRY CAN FIX EVERYTHING!!!?" i yelled i can see him already crying "please i really regret that phil please forgive me...."

"You know i thought you would never leave me but then you did..... Just give up japan" he shook his head i knew that they would never give up until they are forgiven "no, no, no, no, I'm not giving up until you forgive me...." He took my hand and kissed it "you are not really giving up huh?"

"No I'm not" he said i was about to say something but then my vision was black ' where I'm i? ' then i heard something ' MAMA!!!!! ' i turned around to see ' me? " Then i saw a dead body i went closer to see better
And i saw ' mama ' then remembered all the things that happened to me "my past" i was remembering the past

"kuya nasaan si kuya del?(brother where is brother del?" My brother giving me the same answer
"He is hanging out with some friends"
That was a lie del died 4 months ago and it took me about 2 years to find out that he was killed while in battle
And then another one of my memories "phil I'm sorry to inform you that your brother committed Suicide" that was the day when my last living family member was Dead

I snap back to reality and saw Japan's face was very close to mine i thought that he was going to kiss me but instead he wisper something in my ear that i can't cannot hear then he walk away ' well that's was weird ' I though then i saw a figure it was tall and had a creepy smile i couldn't move anything in my body he got closer and closer to me and then wisper "watch your back phil.." that voice it was familiar

Then it was gone i looked around to see if that figure was still there none there was only silence not else "Philip there you are i have been looking for you" i turned around to see america
"Where are the other's?"oh they all went to there office after UN told us to" he answered "you?" "Me? Oh i was going to but then i saw you just standing there and doing nothing then you started to look around as of someone was watching you"

"Yeah" i laughed then he offered me to take me home "but don't you have paperworks to finish?" I asked "well i do but I don't want to see diana she been annoying this past few years"
I raise a brow ' they to? ' i took america's tie and put his face close to mine he was shock at first but then as he looked at my eyes i can see that his blushing

"Aww how cute you are blushing" i said and then he continues to blush even more i hugged him he hugged back and i can feel him tightly hugging me but i just patted his head as he continues to blush then i puched him softly "ouch what was that for!?"
"That's for believing diana instead of me you shitface!" I walk off but the he took my hand and hugged me

"Look I'm sorry for not believing you I'm going to make it all up to you just please forgive me..... All I'm asking is forgiveness phil......" I tried to push him but he wouldn't let me go "you know what is done is done I'm not giving you guys forgiveness now let me go" "NO! Phil im not letting go until you forgive us forgive me..!"

"And if i don't?" He look at me as if was joking "then I'll force you to!" "You can't do that I'm myself" "mahal...." I heard my nickname for the first time in years I remembered when the first time he called me that


You know what!


"Im going to give you
A nickname"



"Eh w-what?"


End of flashback

"Mahal?" I snap out "oh what?" He asked me if I was ok i nodded then i notice that he let me go "okay listen to me" i bend down to me "first don't bend down as im just the half of your height!" He said sorry "when are you free?" "The 20 why?" He said "Well want to hangout?"i said "HELL Yeah!" I give him my new number and i walked away
Sorry of this took so long by the way im not posting this month since im going to have a exam in monday and so the whole country too....

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