chapter 19: unforgettable love

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Japan's pov

As i was doing my paperwork and my assistant came in "こんにちはカントリーマスタージャパン( hello countrymaster japan)" she said

"こんにちは、メアリー、書類を届けに来たの( well hello mary are you here to drop off some paperworks?)" She nodded she handed me the paperworks "ありがとう( thank you)"
She nodded but she sat down on one of the chairs "あなたはまだフィリピンのミスタージャパンに興味がありますか?( Your still interested in Philippines mister japan?) I shook my head

She nodded and left the room 'well that was close' i thought to myself 'why can't i get over you?' i thought

He unconditionally loved us he never lets us be sad and anyway possible he always find a way to make us happy or less stressed.....


But we believe him the time when he needed us we just replace him with someone else.....

I regretted that so much...

There is no way that he will forgive me again.......

China's pov

I was looking out on the window seeing my people  on there cellphones i was in zone mode but then someone knocked on my door "进来!( Come in! ) I said my vice president came in "你好 Country Master China 我来这里是为了递交一些文书工作( hello country master china im here to drop off some paperworks)" he gave me the paperworks he left my office and i took a deep breath and started to do my paperworks... I looked at a picture of me and phil i smiled as i remember does times

But then i got a flashback


"China your are just going to believe
Her without checking if she's
Telling the truth!?"

I slapped him

"Shut it i know that she's telling the
Truth and your the one that is
Telling lies and can you
Please leave?"

"Fine but don't apologize to me"

End of flashback

I didn't realize that tears were already flowing out of my eyes

'oh how i regret that so much'

'i wish i can go back in time to stop myself from believing diana'

'but is already to late'

South Korea's pov

Finally i finish my work that was the fastest that i have ever finish in years
I called my sectary "저 필요하세요 선생님?(You need me sir?)" He said i nodded "나 오늘 회의 있어?(do i have meetings today?)" He shook his head
"그럼 쇼핑하러 갈게(Well then im going shopping)" i got up from my seat and left the room i was about to get my keys in my pocket until "기다려!(wait sir!)" I turned around to see my sectary "당신은 컨트리 마스터 필리핀과 2주 후에 회의가 있습니다(you do have a meeting with country master Philippines)"

I thank him and went into my car at this point i remembered that phil was in the meeting with his adopted kids
But the fact that him and ww6 are close just hurts my heart seeing him with someone else who is not me just hurts

I just want him for myself but how can i do that when i didn't believe him when he was telling the truth  beating him and paying someone to rape him

I regretted that but i know that he will never forgive me after what i have done......

Philip's pov

"Well your a lot stronger then the last time phil" ???  Said "why thank you ???" I looked at the two and had a smile on their face "well done Philip" ??? Said "why thank you ???"
I said "by the way hows the other gods?" I said "doing great" ??? Said

"Nice" i said "hey Phil don't you think that were done!" ??? Said "come on guys give him a break" ??? Said
I just laughed "give me like 2 hours!" She laughed and nodded "thank you sister!" ??? Said "so ??? How does it feel to be the ruler of all gods?" I asked "phil i told you about that is boring" i laughed and she did to  

But let's go to the other gods?" I nodded "yes i missed them!" She took me to them and when i they saw me they all ran to me and hugged me "hey Shortly" "stop im not short and besides your a god so that would mean that your taller than the other countries" he laughed and pat my head

the three main gods told me that is time to go back to my universe all the gods said their goodbyes even though Philip would visit them every week or month but sometimes I don't but i did explain to them why sometimes i don't visit but i did promise that i will visit them sometimes when im not busy

The three open the portal to my universe and i hugged them "I'll see you again sun eclipse and night...." I

As they watch me leave finally im back......

the rise of the Philippines | Country Human (My Au) {Rewriting Currently}Where stories live. Discover now