3 - Hurtful Honest

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At the next morning,Riku just arrive at the dorm and sleeping.The member made sure not to bother Riku for awhile since he need to get fully rest.Sougo always made sure Riku in good condition.They still don't get it what wrong with Riku.

"Riku-kun still sleep.Maybe he will awake soon in afternoon.Manager told me to let Riku-kun sleep then we will discuss about out shoot that go delay."said Sougo.

"We actually almost did it but Rikkun suddenly made the wrong step and fail at the end...then the whole shoot are br-"

"Tama,don't say that in front of Riku,he will blame himself for that."said Yamato as he give warning to Tamaki before he finish his sentence.Iori just enter the room and meet everyone at the living room except Riku.

"Iori where did you go yesterday?You didn't leave any word to us when you leave."said Mitsuki.Iori don't want to betray Riku's trust in the same time he don't want to made his brother disappointed at him too.So all he can do is.

"Sorry,I can't tell you the details because..it's up to Nanase-san...."said Iori.Mitsuki understand that Iori are not type breaking the promise because everyone know how loyal Iori toward Riku.

"If you say so,we should give time to Riku if he don't want to tell us."said Iori.

"He want to tell us but he still not ready to tell...because it was complicated story...it's better to listen the whole story from Nanase-san.."said Iori.They didn't ask more because they are thinking that Riku just not ready.

After a few hours,Mitsuki and Nagi had to attend the radio station for their job meanwhile Sougo and Tamaki staying at Riku's room to made sure not alone.Riku finally open his eyes and saw Sougo and Tamaki was sitting next to him.

"Sougo-san?Tamaki? you guys here? How long you guys stay here?? Did I bother you guys work?"Riku ask as he scared that he might made them didn't go to their job.

"No noo..it's fine.Tamaki-kun and me didn't have any schedule today.Only Mitsuki-kun and Nagi-kun had their work at radio station.Don't worry,you are not holding anyone else.Here we brought a food for you..here.You haven't eat since yesterday."said Sougo.

"Rikkun,please get well soon so we can sing together again!"said Tamaki as he want to cheer on Riku.

"Hahaha..i will..thanks you guys.I'm feeling better than yesterday..and thanks for the food.."said Riku while smiling.Sougo and Tamaki smile.They happy when seeing Riku are fine.Tamaki about to ask but Sougo hit softly using his elbow.Tamaki look down and decide to silent.He still think about Riku's feeling."The food really tasty.Thanks again Sougo-san..Tamaki..."said Riku while smile.

"Glad that you like it."said Sougo as he smiled at Riku too.

"Anyway,where's Iori?"Riku ask as he notice that Iori wasn't there.

"Oh,Iori-kun saying he had something to do...so he went somewhere..he just left not a long go..."said Sougo.

"I see..."said Riku as he worry that Iori might be weighing with Riku's secret.

"Oh Iori-san...what are you doing here??"Tsumugi ask as they meet at random place.

Iori didn't expect that Tsumugi would be here."just want to settle things.I'm heading to dorm anyway.I heard Nanase-san awake."said Iori.

"Yes.Riku-san are awake.Sougo-san and Tamaki-san are taking care of him.Don't worry."said Tsumugi.

Without realize Tenn was there too but they didn't notice each other.Tenn was the one who saw Iori but Iori not.Tenn decide to avoid him but in the same time he heard Riku's name were mention.So he hide himself and listen their conversation.

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