Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Continue Portia)

I woke up the next morning and Mia wasn't in bed. I then started hearing yelling and other voices and I think her parents came home. I hope I didn't get her in trouble or anything like that because she seems a little emotionally unstable. I just sat and listen to them argue.

Mia: Why do you guys have such a big problem with me being gay if that's not even the problem what the hell did do that was so bad to make you guys hate me. We used to be a close family what the hell happened

Mom: Because you look more and more your mom everyday

Mia: What

Dad: We haven't been honest with you but it's for your mom to tell you

Mom: Sweetie the truth is I was best friends with your mom and when I found out I couldn't have kids I was hurt. Then your mom was a stripper after high school and you were conceived in a private session room. I was jealous of her and when you were born the father bailed and she went on drugs. By the age one that's when we took you because she started abusing you and she signed you over to us. One of the reasons our friendship died is because she was gay or whatever and she threw herself at me and I just wasn't interested. When I told her I'm straight she tried to kill me. We eventually went to court to fight for you and me and your father won and that was it after that she just left us alone and the reason why I become so angry with you is because you're gay and like I said she tried to kill me and you look more like her everyday

Mia: So you think I'm going to come on to you

Mom: Yeah

Mia: Lol..........I'm sorry for laughing but mom your not my type and even if you didn't raise me and I seen you walking down the street I still wouldn't be interested because we'll your attitude kind of sucks and other reasons and like I said your not my type and I maybe bipolar but I'm under control you don't gotta worry about me snapping on you or anything like that and I'm glad you guys did what you did I would've done the same so I'm not mad at you guys

Mom: I'm really happy we had this talk and I'm sorry for how horrible we been to you all these years and we are never going to be okay with the fact that your gay but you barely smile so I guess if that what makes you happy we will learn to accept it do you forgive us

Mia: of course I forgive you

Dad: Okay details who's the girl in your bed room

Mia: Her name is Portia we started out as enemies and I just thought she was kind of rich snob but when I had to be her tutor we actually bonded, learned out about each other, and one thing led to another

Mom: How's the sex

Mia: Didn't get that far yet she's a virgin and wants to wait so I respect that

Dad: Are you a virgin

Mia: Lol no I got rid of at 12 around the time you guys started being mean to me but I'm still wondering why kick Tally out if she's gay

Dad: Sweetheart it's more than her just being gay she's a stripper and sells drugs that's a bad image for our family and she just happens to be your half sister we found out a few years ago. You guys have the same father and we don't know him but we heard of him and he's a big time drug dealer and he knows about you and Tally but the reason why he hasn't contacted you is because he hates your mom so he wants nothing to do with you

Mia: Fine by me

After that the voices started fading away and I guess they walked off somewhere. I can't believe she didn't tell me she was bipolar and what I heard was just was wow. But hearing how she kind of had it bad was making me fall in love with her even more. About ten minutes later she entered the room with breakfast. She handed me the tray of food and kissed my cheek making me blush.

Mia: Your very beautiful when you blush

I really love the way she treats me. She's the more dominant one in the relationship and I love that. I really love everything about this girl.

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