Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Continue Mia)

I had lied to the people at the hospital and said my parents were coming to get me. I was finally back home with my girlfriend now and I have a broken hand. My eye doctor came to see me in the hospital and he gave me new glasses and backup glasses. I walked in the apartment and she was just sitting on the couch. She glared at me then smacked me in the face.

Octavia: Where the hell were you

Mia: I was at the hospital I got into a car accident this afternoon and you didn't answer your phone

Octavia: Don't ever come in this house late again

Mia: I'm sorry please don't hurt me

She then shoved her lips into mine and I can smell and taste the alcohol and cigarettes that lingerie on her mouth and tug. I tried pushing her off me but as usual she fucked me against my will. She was never like this but it's like her true colors showed when my parents kicked me out of the house. I can't leave her because she's all I have. I know I have to be good if I don't want her to leave me either otherwise I will be on the streets.


The next day at school as I walked in school I got called into the principal office. This never happened to me before and I wonder what the deal is. I know it can't be any good since Portia is here with her father. After a while I figured out what was going on. Portia accused me of touching her sexually yesterday when I accidentally touched her leg. Since they didn't have any proof and my record is clean I was let off the hook. But now I'm dealing with the school calling me a pervert. I really hate my life. The day goes by slow as usual and I always eat lunch in the library while reading my book. I bit into my apple and opened up my book. I sat all the way in the back on a beanbag in the corner. I was about to read my book then I thought about doing something else. I put the apple back into my lunch box and I pulled out my little pocket knife. I rolled up my long sleeve shirt and started cutting myself. The pain doesn't bother anymore because I been doing this for years. Tears built up in my eyes and I started crying. Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see Portia standing over me with a worried look on her face. I put tissue on my cuts rolled down my sleeve and put my things away. I stood to my feet and tried to leave but she grabbed my hand.

Portia: Wait...........are you alright

Mia: Why do you care" she said angrily and snatching her hand away

Portia: Its just that your hurting yourself and......!!!!!!!

Mia: Save it your part of the reason why I do this and I hate you

After that I ran off before she had the chance to say another word. I didn't wanna hear what she had to say. She one of the reason why I hurt myself. The last two classes she kept staring at me. I don't even know why she is pretending to care anyways. No one cares about me.

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