Chapter 6

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Mebius is doing his daily routine, training with Taro. Taro doesn't have work today so he thought maybe they could train a bit longer this time.
While they were training, Taro accidentally attacking Mebius too fast that it made Mebius fall and hurt himself bit. And as they were training, Ultra Mother was actually passing by to watch them for a bit.

Marie : I told you to be easy with him..

Taro : s-sorry.. I overdid it.. are you okay, Mebi?

Mebius : I'm fine! Let's continue!

Marie : nu uh, you're not gonna continue your training until you are fully healed.

Mebius : aw...

Taro : w-well... Ah! How about we go walk around the Crystals Town?

Mebius : hmm.... Fine..

Marie : have a great day, you two. I don't want any of you to be here again later.

Taro : ahaha.. ok mother..


Taro : where do you wanna go first?

Mebius : hmm.. oh! Can we go to the playground near the Ultra Care Center?? Please!!

Taro : sure, we always go there too.

Mebius : yay! The last to get there get the remote TV tonight!
*Quickly sprint away without Taro noticing*

Taro : wha- hey! That's cheating! *Chasing Mebius*

. . .

Taro : haa.. haa.. how can you be so fast? Or is it me that need more training?

Mebius : hehe! I don't know!

Taro : just go play! Hmp!

Mebius : hehe! Okay!

Taro : *sigh* so tired already..?

Taro sighed while he sit down on a bench nearby. He look at Mebius before he starts to be busy in his thoughts. While Taro was busy thinking about himself, someone was behind him, ready to..

??? : Guess who.
*Covering Taro's eyes with their hand*

Taro : GAH! HA? Uhh.. Mebi?

??? : Seriously? Wrong.

Taro : uhhh...

Mebius : Tregear -san! What are you doing with Taro -nii?

Taro : T-Tregear?!

Tregear : awh.. Mebi!

Mebius : eh?

Taro : what are you doing here?

Tregear : nothing actually. I'm just taking a break and just come back form buying coffee. I actually just saw you with Mebius so I bought you one too.
*Give Taro a coffee*

Taro : oh! Thanks!

Mebius : I want one too!!

Tregear : I got you hot chocolate.
*Give a hot chocolate to Mebius*

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